Light of a Baby

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Meredith started to have another contraction.
"Mphh" Mer went as she winced in pain.
"It's ok grab my hand." Derek said to Meredith.

About 10 minutes later
"Ok mommy. We are going to check you out. See how far. You are."- said the OB.
"You look to be about 9-10 centimeters. So whenever your ready you can push."
M-"Ok I'm gonna push now."
Mer held Derek's hand the whole time. She felt super light headed after the birth but everyone was more focused on the baby. Mer passed out. She was faintly breathing and her pulse was getting slower. When Derek turned around to give her the baby he saw her.
"Her pulse is slow and her breathing is faint." Derek said in a concerned tone.
"She is dehydrated. I need an IV." Said one of the nurses.

Out of nowhere Meredith starting coding.
"Charge to 300!" Alex said.
Meredith took a deep breath. Still unconscious.
"What is wrong with her?" Derek asked.

Meredith woke up.
"My head hurts." Mer said.
Meredith hissed while clenching her chest.
"We should get her down to CT she may have Postpartum Preeclampsia." Alex says.
After the CT.

"Ok Meredith has Postpartum Preeclampsia. This is a serious condition that happens when she has high blood pressure and signs that some of her organs, like her kidneys and liver, may not be working normally after giving birth. The chest pain she has been experiencing could also be pulmonary embolism." Alex told Derek.
"So she could die from this?" Derek said while holding Meredith's hand.
"There is that possibility Derek. But you know there are risks in everything. I will take care of her. But if we want her to survive this, then we need to get her to surgery." Said Alex.

Alex came to Derek. 
"Meredith had a lot of stress on her body. She coded during surgery and.....

To be continued.....

I'm sorry I left you on a cliffhanger😂 and that this chapter was short. But will Mer live?
Or will Derek be left raising three kids on his own?

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