Just Like Her - Just For Her

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We're gathered around the table, eating breakfast. Well, everyone, but me.

"Valerie, why aren't you eating? Do you not like eggs anymore?"

Maple seems concerned, and Azuki adds on to the suspicion.

"Yeah, you always eat your food. Especially when you finish sleeping, you get really hungry."

"I'm fine, promise. I'm just... not feeling that hungry this morning. Excuse me, I need to go get dressed."

I leave the kitchen before they can protest, quickly getting to my room.

I put on my black sweatpants, black t-shirt with a large middle finger on it, proudly proclaiming "fuck you" in bold letters, and my black biker jacket. Finally, I grab my revolver from the side of my bed, and... her mask. I suppose... I should wear it, shouldn't I? ... Yeah, I suppose this is her kind of mission, after all. I guess I should grab her rifle too, right?

I grab the gun, holstering it to my back, beneath my jacket, and put the mask in my coat.

Now then, let's go make some money.

I walk out the backdoor without a word, hopping on my bike, towards my destination.


A man with a face covered in black with only his hands showing, gives me the run-down through a call. They call him Mr.Hands.

"So, the target is a special someone, named March Zelan. He's soon to inherit his father's company, and a large sum of money. Your job is to eliminate him, however you see fit."

"Anything else I should know? Anything that'll help?"

"He's going to be telling a speech on his top balcony, with guards littered through the house, as well as the rooftops. A few snipers will be ready, and are trained to shoot on sight."

"Any security systems?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, no."

"Good, when is this speech?"

"At dusk."




I'm walking up to the rooftop now, having donned Zeannes mask.

The speech is in five minutes, should be enough time.

I look out along the rooftops, all interconnected to the main building in a U shape, and a breaker next to the entrance.

The snow is settling onto the rooftops in a nice, light coat. It's pretty.

There's a sniper on each of the four buildings, with two of the snipers being guarded.

This should be simple enough.

I sneak behind the sniper on my building, killing them with a quick snap of the neck. After hiding their body in the garbage chute, I continue to the next building.

The sniper is being guarded, so I train my pistol on the guard first.

I get as close as possible, before shooting him in the head, and impaling the sniper on my blades.

Not even a chance to react.

I drop them both down the chute, continuing down.

The next building is a good jump away, which is risky, given a sniper may notice me.

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