The Gist of it.

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I've been raised along the edge of the city, with my siblings and parents. It's not the best life; my sister and I always get into arguments thanks to her attitude (got that from our Mom.), and my brother is weird in the head, but his heart's always in the right place. I mean, he even had a bird for some time (Little guy died, sadly. Fuckin' mirrors.), and he always wanted to take care of new animals, even if he wasn't the greatest at it.

My parents only make it look worse, early on. Until recently they were alcoholics, the major kind. Like, they spent as much on beer as they did on us, and quite often they would have arguments and fight. And not just scream, but where one would end up being slammed against the floor and the other being egged on to just end it.

Though, they always wanted the best for us. After one of them went to the hospital over drinking too much/dehydration, and a freak out from me, they finally snapped out of it. They managed to overcome it, and though they drink a little now and then, they managed to curb it.

Of course, not all problems are solved that easily. My Dad's a bit mental at times, prone to anger, but he's really gotten a hold of himself, and is much, much better at taking a step back and cooling down. Meanwhile, my Mom has gotten much better at understanding how the other person might take what they way, and how to avoid negative responses.

I, however, didn't come out unscathed. I mean, it's been happening for as long as I can remember. I've grown a bit of a distant side. If I get into a stressful situation, I'll lose myself into my music, drown out the anger. If I get upset and can't escape the situation, I tend to react in anger, rather than tears. But, it's not all bad. I've learned from my Dad to respect others, show them the respect they deserve, and expect the same in return. Though, if they don't treat me with respect, I won't tolerate them.

Fuck am I doing monologuing for? I should be going to bed, got school tomorrow.

"Watch your fucking tongue! You don't think before you speak!"

"Why should I?!"

Right. That's why. Well, whatever. It's always worked out before, why would that change now? Now then, where's my music?

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