Chapter 6

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Kyoya's P.O.V.

She started to make weird wheezing noises and slouched forward, her face was pale and sickly.

"uh....Akiko? are you okay?" I asked.

"I..I don-" She then fell on me, everyone stopped turned and gasped.

"A..Akiko?" I asked panicking, I listened to her breathing it was soft and quick I felt her head, it was really hot.

"She has a fever" I explained looking around.

"Oh no! Akiko Passed out!" The twins said.

"Someone Get a doctor!" I yelled, I held her head up.

"Honey Senpai! Mori Senpai! Set up an area to put Akiko!"  Tamaki Ordered them, they nodded and ran inside.

"Everyone it will be alright! Please continue with your dancing!" Tamaki said nervously. All you heard was chattering, then the music started again, and everyone started dancing again.

"Oh god...what has happened to you?" I whispered worriedly,

"Don't worry senpai! She'll be okay!" Haruhi said.

"It's ready" Mori said.

I stood up with Akiko in my arms (Bridal style XD), her arms were completely hanging and her head was hanging back. I then heard her breathing hard and fast, like she was having an asthma attack.

"The Doctors waiting inside!" The twins said.

 She was very light and delicate, so flimsy. I carefully took step by step up the stairs and into a small room, there was a sofa with the doctor and Host club waiting. I laid her down on the sofa slowly.

"Now what happened?" The doctor asked examining her.

"Well we were standing there until she started the have breathing difficulties....then just passed out" I explained.

"Yes, well she has a very high fever at 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit), I've been Akiko's doctor since she was little, at that time she had these asthma attacks just like this one. After that she would get really sick and was always bedridden that's why she never went to school" He explained.

"well this was when she was little right?" Hikaru asked frantically.

"Yes, but it seems as though, it all came back with full affects on her. We might have to take her to the hospital" He said.

"I'll call to get an ambulance" I said.


We all sat there...everyone, Tamaki, Haruhi, Hikaru, Kaoru, Mori senpai, Honey senpai and me completely worried. I've never seen Mori Senpai so worried, he completely blocked everyone out. Honey senpai was crying his eyes out, Hikaru and Kaoru were sitting in the corner with their heads down. Tamaki was in his little corner dramatically wiping his eyes, Haruhi was just sitting there looking at her feet. The doctor then came in with a worried look on his face, there was a knot in my stomach.

"Mr. Ootori" the doctor said, everyone stood up.

"yes how is she?" I asked.

"Not good, shes alive but is in a very weak state she might just....." He said trailing off.

"She might just what?!" Hikaru yelled, Kaoru tried pulling him back

"She might just slip into a coma.....then slip away" He said softly, my heart stopped.

"Slip away?!? As in..die??" Honey said with tears in his eyes.

"I'm afraid so, we are trying out best!" He said. I felt anger and regret.

"YOUR NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH!!!!!" Kaoru yelled, and now hikaru was pulling him back, everyone in the room looked horrified.

"Kaoru! He said they are trying their best! There is nothing else we can do!" Hikaru yelled with tears in his eyes.

"No....there must be another way" Kaoru whispered falling on his hands and knees with tears falling.

"Kaoru...." Hikaru said crying on Kaoru's back, the doctor sighed.

"Mr. Ootori would you like to see her?" He asked.

"sure..." I said softly.

I followed him to the small room, I looked into the window and there she was, peacefully laying there even paler then before, she was attached to a bunch of different machines, it was heart wrenching.

"She might hear you, she might recognise your voice" The doctor said, leaving.

I sat down next to the bed, she looked lifeless, the only way you could tell she was alive is that she was slowly breathing.

"Akiko, you moron! Why didn't you tell us sooner?! Now look where you are! You have worried us sick!" I said, I held her hand it was cold.

"Honey senpai is crying his eyes out! And Mori senpai wont even talk to us! Not even Honey senpai!" I said.

"K..Kyo..." She muttered, I leaned in.

"What?" I asked.

"Ky..Kyoya" She whispered, she must be dreaming.

"I'm here" I said squeezing her hand tighter.

For now on, I am going to protect her and make sure she never slips away.

 A/N ;__; how sad

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