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Good luck, and drink holy water. Abeg.

I heard a gentle knock on my door, frowning to myself

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I heard a gentle knock on my door, frowning to myself. I glanced at my watch—02:36. Who could possibly need me at this time of the night? Taya was with Marcello, and I knew she was spending the night with him. Unless she needed something. 

But she had her own key.

I sighed, pushing off my bed and leaving my writing for later. I was tired anyway, and once I sent Taya back, I thought how I would just slip into my covers for the night.

The door rapped again lightly, and this time I huffed. "Girl relax. Geez, I'm coming." I grumbled, pressing my hands on the key and turning it into the lock. The latch clicked, and I yanked the door open.

Hand on my hip, I whisper-shouted, "Why the fuck would you–" but my words faltered once I caught a glimpse of who it was. "Hi..." I managed to breath out.

Raffaele smiled softly, eyes crinkling. "Hey."

We stared at each other, and I didn't know what else to do. It's like I had been frozen still, my feet glued to the ground, unable to move, and my lips were sealed tightly, fighting for breath as I stood there speechless.

"May I come in?" He uttered, finally breaking the silence.

I blinked. "Yeah, sure. Come on in."

I stepped aside, and let Raffaele drift past me. I caught a whiff of his cologne, a whiff of him, and dug my nails into the hard wood of the door. I cursed lightly when the splinters flayed the sensitive skin above my nails, and quickly went on to push the door closed.

I twirled around, pressing my back into the door. "What are you–" I began, but was cut off.

"I'm so sorry." He expressed abruptly, voice low and broken, and when I took a good look at him, my breath caught in my throat.

His hair was tousled messily, like he had been frustrating himself by running embittered hands through the soft locs. His eyes were sunken, tired, and the green of them weren't as bright as usual. The moon glowed brilliantly through the balcony doors, white light reflecting onto his backside and casting heavy shadows down his face.

He looked miserable.

"Sorry... sorry about?" I whispered, pushing off the door. I tried to find my footing as I waddled cautiously to sit at the foot of my bed. I was faint, lightheaded.

"I kissed her..." He forced out.

I stared at my toes, crunching them hard so I could feel something, anything, to level me out of this trance—this bloody trance Raffaele had trapped me in.

"But...that's okay..." I swallowed hard, tugging a trying smile. "I think kissing your fiancee is expected of you." I forced a chuckle, attempting to brighten the mood.

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