Prison Bars

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Skeppy writhed in the taller man's hold. A pale clawed hand was clamped over his mouth muffling his cries as he looked around and panicked in the apartment lobby. His legs were kicking that taller demon's shins, and his hands were fruitlessly grabbing at his captor's arms. He watched helplessly, shouting against the palm on his mouth, as the world around them bled away into thick sickly greens, whites and blacks. He fought harder as his head started to spin, and his consciousness faded. Although it was all for not as Dream just dug his claws into him and held him tighter, causing tears to threaten to spill.

When he blinked again, as he stopped feeling sick, and like everything was spinning, the first thing he noticed was the overbearing heat on his skin. He breathed hard, oxygen refusing to enter his lungs as the ground swayed beneath him as he looked up. Dark bricks blended into a hazy mess, and waves of heat only yards away caused the world to sway methodically. Skeppy was barely able to sit up before a pale clawed hand snagged his arm, and dragged him to his feet.

His knees were weak, and threatened to collapse beneath him before he could even get his feet under him. The heat around him was like a stifling blanket, and it made him sweat, and his head pound harder. He reached a hand to rub his eyes, trying to get his bearings when another hand snagged his wrist.

He looked up at the creature holding him, and stifled a scream. There was a tall beast that stood above him, he looked close to humans, but just not enough. The pale skin was porcelain white, and dark sunken eyes stared back at him. Two green eyes staring back at him as he tried to figure out the opponent holding him. Nails, no claws, dug into his arms as he was dragged and forced to his feet.

His vision was still a little blurred, and his throat felt dry and made swallowing hard as he studied his new surroundings. Walls closed in around him, one in front of him was dark brick, chips and cracks spiraling up them, a heavy iron door set in the center of it. The other walls he could see were cold black metal, he didn't recognize the material, it certainly wasn't any alloy he'd seen on the surface, in fact it probably wasn't even an alloy humans had ever seen.

"Look, it's awake." A grating voice spat at him as he was released, the voice belonged to the man above him.

His knees buckled, but thankfully instead of a hard floor, it was a slightly less hard blanket that met his fall. His body was starting to adjust to the sweltering heat and strange environment. He'd grown up in a desert, but even this heat was overbearing. Slowly Skeppy forced himself into a sitting position.

"Why... why are you doing this?" He rasped looking up at the beast.

Sitting, Dream was even larger and intimidating, his lanky tall white form had been much taller than Skeppy standing, and even more so now that he was sitting. Dream knelt, balancing on the claws of his feet, and rested his hands on his knees, grinning.

His smile was too wide for his face, it seemed just slightly too large, too sharp. In the corner of his eye he saw movement, and as he turned, a pale spiked tail tip flicked idly. Skeppy turned his attention back to the deep inset eyes that seemed to bore through his soul.

Dream cooed softly, "Oh Zachary, this has nothing to do with you."

"Then why - "

"You're just another pawn in this game." He grinned, a quiet laugh coming from him, "And now its checkmate."

He frowned not understanding the analogy, but he didn't like being called a pawn, "I - I'm not... I'm not a pawn." He spoke softly.

Dream sighed and stood, he had a pair of twisted horns that curved along his hairline, his skin wasn't white, but instead faded to white at his elbows and knees down, and white scales flecked his cheeks and neck.

"Zack - "


Dream rolled his eyes, "Skeppy, you are just a human, you don't have a say in this."

"Well why not?"

"Because you don't!" Dream spat at him. "Now, Halo in this will have two choices, he can either pick you, or he can face the jury and justice for his accusations."

"What has he done?! He's a good person!"

"Exactly, he's actively avoided his duties as a demon, he is a deviant, he isn't even a demon. He shouldn't have ever been one!" Dream turned on his heels, anger edging his voice, "He has affected all of us, he's forced his way onto the council, and disrupted hundreds of years of tradition."

"Why is that a bad thing?" Skeppy retorted, leveling a glare with the demon.

"I have no grievance with him specifically, but he has caused over 30 years of disagreements. It's time to put an end to this."

"So why take me? I- I'm just a guy."

Dream grinned, "He needs to answer for the accusations laid at his feet, and then he can choose to either apologize or he can lay down his life."

"Why?" Skeppy moved to stand, but stumbled, and caught himself last minute, sickness bubbling again, "He's done nothing wrong! He shouldn't need to apologize for being a good person!"

Dream snarled and kicked his side, causing a white pain to flare, and sent him spluttering as he tried to regain the air that had just been stolen from him.

"You don't even know half of what you're getting into." He retorted looking down at Skeppy with a glower, "You have no say in this, and the reason I took you is because he cares about you. He's attached to you. Even after having his guardian duties revoked from you from what he did, he still managed to crawl back and find himself in your hands."

"I didn't choose that!"

"I don't give a fuck!" Dream's harsh tone made him recoil, "I don't give a fuck about you, or him. I'm just taking care of my fucking job to keep the people I actually care about safe!"

Skeppy sat up, still gasping slightly, "But.. why? If you're being threatened why not go against the people threatening you?"

"First its not that easy, and second," Dream hesitated, and shook his head, "Secondly, the one person I care about isn't involved in my job, so it doesn't matter what I do."

Skeppy wanted to argue, he wanted to continue speaking with Dream, but the demon strode out of the cell he was being kept in, and slammed the iron door behind him. Skeppy pulled his knees to his chest, wrapping his arms around himself as he tried to mull over his new predicament.

Hey so .. uh no excuse for me not updating I'm really sorry heh. Anyways hopefully this shorter chapter will suffice for the time being until the next one can be done. I hope to be getting back into the swing of things shortly, in the meantime, thank you guys so so much for all the support, and comments <3 

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