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"He's gone!"you scremed while your teres tumbled down from your eyes

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"He's gone!"you scremed while your teres tumbled down from your eyes.

"Yeah he's gone atleast he won't be annoying anymore."your mother laughed while all avenger looked at you then on your mom and your dad who was lying on ground lifeless.

"Oh shit"Mrs. Stark said and Steve was some time ago waked up.

"Language Tony!"Steve hissed at him.

"You-killed-my-father!"you started to light up you've never light up that much. Your eyes turned all white your veins started to glow up you were 10 meters from ground with about 100 rocks that were sharp. You started to glich like you were next to tree and then you were next to building. Avenger looked at eachother and they thought that this is end for all of them. Loki in other hand tried to break thru to go to you and calm you down.

You appeared behind her stab her then infront of her next to her and she was stabed like 20 times you wanted to kill her. Robot stared at his masterwho was dying and started to shoot you but you attacked robot and he exploded. When he exploded everything went flying and avengers were free from their metals around them. You saw your mother before she left.

"You won this time but you won't win next tim-"her eyes shut and last breath escaped her mouth.

"You won't win anytime soon"you replied with no emotion just looking in her eyes while your eye color started to slowly change back to normal. As she died your eyes were normal again your veins started to look normal and you suddenly couldn't stand you were tired of that long fight and thaat much power that you used on your mother.

"Y/N!"Loki caught you in the last second he pulled you thight and you could fell his strong warm arms wrap around you and you felt safe. But your eyes started to close, "Y/N don't close eyes stay with me!" He was really worried.


After 3 weeks you're still in coma but in your room. But you started to hear in last days.

"Y/N please don't leave me...you're the last thing that made me happy..."he said while taking your hand in his shaky and cold hands. "I was so scared to tell you my feelings and now it will be my fault that you'll die.." you wanted to tell him that it's alright that you wouldn't leave him that he's safe with you. And you would never leave him.

"Mrs. Loki you should drink water because you're getting unhydrated, you should get some sleep and eat something."Jarvis broke silance and said to Loki.

"Jarvis I won't leave her...I can't."Loki said in sad voice it looked like he's getting ready for the worst that you'll die.

"Loki come you have to eat."Mrs. Stark came and said to Loki while glancing at your weak sleeping body.

"No Tony not this time I'm not leaving her. You've been saying that for ½weeks and it hasn't changed so I'm not leaving her here!"Loki looked at your relaxed face and then at Mrs. Stark.

"Okay but your brother is worried about you."Mrs. Starks said with sighn.

"Say to him that I'm okay.."he paused because he was lying to his own brother. You tried so hard to move yourself but you couldn't and then you tried to say his name and you tried so hard that you finally said.

"L-Loki..."you said but it was really hard to talk because all your body hurted.

"Darling you're awake!"he looked with hope in his eyes as he wached how you ttied to take his hand so he putted his hand on your so you don't do much things because you were pretty weak to do anything.

"Yes...and I'm alive..."after every word you sighn and Loki could see that you're hurting yourself to talk to him. "Yes Loki I heard everything..."

"Y/N I thought I'll loose you. I love you Y/N."Loki said with relief that you're alive.

"I love you too Loki..." you grabbed Loki by his shirt and pulled him in kiss. He was in kinda shook but then he replied with kiss.

"Y/N I'm sorry that I couldn't save you it was my fault-"Loki started to stress out.

"Loki calm down it wasn't your fault it was my own."you said while looking in his eyes. "Let's go to others." You stand up but still weak.

"Y/N I have to ask you something..."he said and taked your hand and with other hand lifted your head up so you're looking in his eyes.

"What it would be?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"Loki said almost in wispers so only you could hear.

"Oh my god, YES LOKI"you started to cry while hugging him thight.

"I thought you'd say no..."Loki was in shook and relief as he hugged you back and resying his head on yours. You pulled away him from hug.

"Why I would say no?! I love you and nothing can change that even it your frost giant."you said while Loki took away your tears with his thumbs.

"We have to say news to others." You were really happy you were weak but you smiled and you weren't hurting that much.

"Of course darling." Loki said while smiling at you. You both go down and all avengers are waching you because you and Loki were holding hands like couple way and you both glanced in eachothers eyes while smiling.

"Welcome back power girl." Steve smiled at you.

"Welcome lady Y/N"Thor said while winking at you when you looked at Loki you could see that he satrted to get jealous so you winked back at Thor.

"We have something to tell you guys." You moved closer to Loki.

"We are now together!" You said with smile and looking in Lokie's happy eyes as he leaned to you and kissed you while resting his hand on your cheek. As all avengers shot conffetii you pulled out of kiss and asked everyone.

"You all knew he will gonna ask me?!"you yelled in good way at them.

"Hahah yes we all knew when he said to us when you were in that house and he was devasteded and was angry on himself we locked him in his cell but because Odin gave him back powers he comed to save you. Now Loki was Avenger with you.

"I love you so much Loki"you said looking in his eyes and hugging him.

"I love you too my Y/N..."




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