Chapter 8

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"So there, now you know" Zelda said wiping away a tear. Lilith wrapped her arms around her and looked at Sabrina who was crying along with Hilda.

" I.. I didn't know Aunt Z. I'm sorry, my father he shouldn't have done that.. I'm sorry" Sabrina was speechless, she was full of emotion, angry at her father and upset for her Aunt and for Lilith.

"As time went on he forgot about it, the dark lord, he said that as long as I fulfilled my duties to him, I could well you know.. but we still have to be careful "

"You love her right?"

" Of course, more than anything, I want to marry her Sabrina" Lilith said and Zelda looked at her and kissed her

" Then be together, we will make it work, if the dark lord ever became suspicious, we can help" Sabrina said and walked over to her aunt and lilith

" Sabrina I.."

" She is right love, now is the time, you've both waited so long"

Zelda grinned and wiped away a tear, she turned to lilith and smiled, Hilda and Ambrose excused themselves and Sabrina left to meet Roz, Harvey and Theo, she couldn't wait to tell them.

"I'm scared Lily"

" Me too.. I love you so much"

Lilith kissed and laughed

" What?" Zelda laughed

" Nothing just this morning. I really thought... I just can't lose you" She pulled Zelda into a tight embrace. " So.. how about that date?"

"Hmm only what 200 years later"

They both laughed and headed out for a date, a proper date!

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