Chapter. 2

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Sabrina entered her office and sat down.

" Sabrina, what can I do for you?

" I need some advice err I..." Sabrina started but realised this might not have been a good idea, after what she overheard she didn't think it would be nice to talk about her valentines ideas, instead she decided to try and help, she liked her and ever since she had known Ms Wardwell she had never seen or heard her talk about a relationship before, she wanted her to be happy. Sabrina remembered her talk about a sixteen year old girl, maybe if she got a name she could talk to her and find out what the problem was.

" Sabrina I don't have all day.. what do you need help with?" Ms Wardwell clicked her tongue and crossed her arms.

" Sorry, I just err, I have this friend and she met someone but her family don't think its a good match and well she err.. she." Sabrina lost all thought, there was no way round it without telling her she had overheard her.

"Okay I'm sorry I heard you on the phone and I want to help, I mean maybe I could talk to the girl you mentioned? She is my age right which means she goes to the school, or riverdale but I can get a bus there and I can talk to her make her understand that your in love and you want to be together and whoever this person is, they must make you really happy and you deserve to be happy, you said you've waited years well I think that is long enough, She's being stupid if she..."

Sabrina looked up and saw Ms Wardwell staring at her intently.

"You think she is being stupid if she doesn't accept us? Mary looked at her with a glint in her eye.

" Yes of course, why wouldn't she?, I bet this guy makes you happy and like I said you deserve it"

" She is she first of all" Ms Wardwell smirked and stood up, she walked over to her window and leaned on the window still.

"I KNEW IT" Sabrina jumped up and Mary laughed.

" I mean err you just you know have a vibe" Sabrina laughed and so did Mary.

"I am sorry for eavesdropping, I just think that everyone should have someone and they way you spoke to her on the phone, she could be yours"

" I appreciate it, thank you Sabrina"

" Don't give up, please this weekend, fight for her"

Mary was shocked. if only she knew she thought to herself.

" I'll see myself out Principal Wardwell" She stood up and headed for the door.

" Sabrina"


" Thank you and please do not eavesdrop on my private conversation again"

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