Chapter 1

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"You'll never guess what?" Roz said as she entered the library angrily.

Sabrina, Harvey and Theo stopped what they were doing and turned to her, waiting patiently for her to continue

"Well go on then"

"Principal Wardwell just gave me a detention because she thought I was picking on that young girl in science but I was sticking up for her, I hate her, she didn't even let me explain" Roz said as she slumped down on the chair next to Harvey.

"She has been in a weird mood recently. Yesterday I overheard her expelling that boy from gym class just because he was 5 minutes late"

"Yeah and she cancelled all after school activates without giving any appropriate reason" Harvey said huffing.

"Ever since she became principal she's changed, don't you think Sabrina?"

"She's probably under pressure, I have to talk to her anyway later so I'll try get to what the problem is, let her know she is doing a good job, she might relax " Sabrina smiled and picked her bag and made her way to her office.

It was valentines day and she wanted to plan something special for Harvey but wasn't sure what exactly and she knew Principal Wardwell could help her. As she approached her office she heard distant yelling and couldn't help but ease drop on her favourite teacher on the phone.

" And what about me? Did you think how I would feel?" Ms Wardwell said, she sounded hurt and by the way she was sniffling Sabrina knew she was crying. She saw a crack in the door and decided to slowly open it a bit further so she could just see her, she had her back turned to the door and was leaning on her desk with her hand wiping away a tear.

" She's basically an adult, if she can't accept us that is her problem, I am tired of hiding this, I meant what I said, I want a proper relationship with you. You promised me you would tell them on valentines which in case you had forgotten is basically our one year anniversary"

Sabrina eyes lit up, maybe that's why she has been so grumpy recently.

" I'm not having this discussion, you know how I feel and I will not let a 16 year old girl determine the outcome our relationship, we'll talk tonight but I can't do this anymore, this weekend you tell her and the other two, if not I walk away"

Sabrina couldn't hear the other voice that was on the other side of the phone but she could hear the panic and distant yelling. Ms Wardwell turned around and sat on her chair, listening intently and smiled.

" I love you too, no words can describe how much I want this and you. we've waited years for this but I'm tired of being second to your family" She sighed and ended the call.

Sabrina stared at her through the crack in the door, she looked emotionally exhausted and could see her fixing her make up. She waited a few seconds then knocked.

"Come in" 

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