chapter 1

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It was a Saturday and according to her rights as the owner and major partner in the company she didn't have to come to work today but her sisters were driving her crazy talking about how she needed a man, she was so frustrated, she didn't bother to change. She just picked up the keys to her white chamaro and drove off to work.right now she wore a fancy baseball shirt that hugged her body, a black leather pants, and she tied a striped black and white long sleeved shirt on her waist she had flats on, it was the fastest thing she could reach at that moment. She drove into the under ground parking space of her rented 2 floors office, it Costs a lot of money but it was her father who handled it .He took care of the capital and expenses and she had to promise to pay him back every cents within a period of time.she took the elevator upstairs to her office floor.she saw the surprised looks her workers gave her, they were obviously surprised to see her dressed so casually.she walked through her assistants table to her office." Hey zeus" she said to him knowing he was right at her back "what's there for me to do?"

"Nothing"he answered

"Seriously I need something to do"

"I am serious!, you finished all the paperwork this week"

"Wow" she said

"Yeah......besides what are you doing at work on a Saturday? "

"Same thing as you"she sat on her desk table and crossed her leg

"You aren't supposed to be here, you should have gone to a spa to rest and touch up beautifully"

"But I am already so pretty" she said with a smile

"You are! But work is making you loose your colour "she gasped jokingly .she didn't think it serious when her sister said having a gay best friend is the best until she met zeus. A young girl brought in a sheet for her to sign, "delivery to Mr. Norwood"

She picked up the pen "I love that man so much he is so far our biggest customer.always buying a truck load of wine, how much does he need today?"

"Just a box"

"That's new "chloè answered

"Speaking of Norwood, I heard his son is back home"

"The playboy?"the young girl Rachel asked

"Yeah I saw his picture and he is sooo HOT!!" Zeus said which made them all laugh

"What's wrong?"chloè asked the girl when she noticed the look on her face

"Well the thing is ...........the delivery guy on call today got sick"

"Let's call in another one"

"Most are on break and the few around are making deliveries"

"What about you?"

"Well, I made a delivery yesterday and there was a mistake from my part I didn't deliver 2 boxes so I am on my way to deliver 3"

"That was a terrible mistake......"chloè ran her hands through her hair "isn't anyone less busy here?"

"Nope, everyone is busy except you ofcourse"zeus said"unless you want to do it yourself"

"Yeah let's do that"chloe jumped down from the table "but I am not driving that truck" she said going downstairs with zeus and Rachel.after Rachel gave her instructions and zeus placed the order in her car she drove off .She had been in the mansion many times so they all knew her.when she got to the door the Butler immediately opened the door with a big smile on his face she returned his smile with a half smile, she wasn't a people person the only person she felt comfortable with in her office were zeus and racheal."miss" matilda the maid walked towards her.

"Hello " she have a small smile "here sign this ......I'll be right back" matilda was new so she didn't know who chloè was but she was still very nice and respectful.

"No miss let me take it, it seems heavy"

"No it's fine, I think I still know where the wine cellar is....down the hall the right. ..right?"she asked,matilda gave a smile so she knew she was right and walked on.the hallway was super long her hands had started aching before she got to the Door ,when she got there she opened it and went down the stairs.she went to the row for her wine and carefully started placing the wines on the shelf when she was at the 2nd to the last bottle she started hearing some sounds

"*moans*ohh god, yeah hmnnnn*kisses*"she quickly and quietly placed the wines before trying to run away she picked the box up and turned to leave which Made the corksrewer fall down "shit!"she cursed under her breath

"Who is there?"she heard a deep voice call which scared her.

"Is someone watching us" a feminine voice asked

"Great now I look like a perv " chloè thought" shh " she heard the deep voice say.she didn't wait any longer she refuse to seem like a pervert.she packed her hair up and put it into the cap mainly because she knew once she started running her hair would be all over her face.she had almost reached the door but she tripped on a stair which made her slow down a bit suddenly she felt a hand wrap around her waist, twist her around before she could register what was happening, he tossed her on his shoulder.

"Eek " she yelped.

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