42 | a little dip

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42 | a little dip


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"These claims are ridiculous."

"While it may seem so to you, Mr. Romano, they are fully viable." Lucia sighs as she reads over the lawsuit once more. "It seems you forgot to nullify one contract that was supposed to run for three and a half years."

"Fuck." I mumble under my breath.

Monique was at the new house getting settled after I'd told her to go ahead while I went to the law office. I felt absolutely terrible leaving her alone for her first few hours in our new home, but she'd insisted I try to sort this out as quickly as possible.

That led to me standing across from Lucia and trying to figure out the contract that I'd missed. Turns out it was a trick bind - one that would ensure I stay in the project until it was complete or as far along as it could be within the three years the contract lasts.

This seems to have been Santiago's insurance for what happened years ago because this has his stink all over it.

"He must've hidden it from me when I was withdrawing." I realize, head falling into my hand at the thought, "Maldito bastardo." Fucking bastard. "Is there a way for me to use that against him in court?"

Lucia sighs, gravely, "His keeping this information from you? Probably, but it's not like it would hold. You still signed it. This isn't like the other ones where you signed to offer your time and money, this one took your liberty to leave the project legally."

"So let's argue that!" I exclaim, overtaken with emotions. Just when I'd gotten out from under his shoe, he stomps right on me. "We say he impeded on my rights. We say I signed it without knowing what it entailed."

Lucia lowers herself onto her seat and crosses her legs before looking back up at me, "Mr. Romano, they'll use the fact that you signed and revoked the other ones against you."

My jaw clenches in anger. Remain calm, Matteo. Santiago is just doing this for attention.

"My best advice would be to meet with him. Choose somewhere civil - one where you feel less inclined to make a scene - and talk to him about what it would take to drop the suit."

"I am not meeting with that asshole." I deadpan, running a hand over my beard. "I'll go to court and pay what I have to, nothing less, nothing more."

"That's the problem, Mr. Romano," Lucia sighs as she meets my eye, "He doesn't want just money."

Of course he doesn't.

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