22 | milena

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22 | milena


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"¿Qué diablos te pasa, Milena? ¿Te dejo un mes y estás aquí robando mierda de los centros comerciales?" What the fuck is wrong with you, Milena? I leave you for one month and you're out here stealing shit from malls? The words drip from my tongue like poison as I lead my sixteen year old sister out of the police precinct and towards the car where Monique is waiting in the front seat.

She remains quiet and this pushes me to stop in my footsteps and turn towards her, smoke no doubt blowing out of my ears at this point.

"I told you to stop fucking with that crowd, Lena, and now you're being arrested?" I seethe, about to rip my hair out at the roots as she stares up at me as if she was innocent.

She shrugs, carelessly, "I didn't do anything."

I chuckle spitefully, "Yes. Tell that to your criminal record and the cameras that caught you lifting a watch."

The walk back to the car was filled with me cussing her out and her shooting back cuss words in Spanish. When we finally get to the car, she freezes and stares into the front seat where Monique has her head bowed, trying to avoid Milena's intense gaze.

"Get in the car, Milena." I tell her, my feet taking me to the driver's door. With a hand on the handle, I narrow my eyes at my sister.

"No." She yells and crosses her arms, "Not when you have another one of your putas in the front seat."

Here we fucking go.

"Monique isn't a whore. Milena, get in the fucking car." I repeat.

"Ah," She scowls, "The bitch has a name."

Her words make me slam my hand against the car in anger. She always does this shit — disrespectful as fuck for no reason and pissing me off on a level I didn't know was possible. Monique jumps slightly and I make a note to apologize when I'm finished scolding my sister.

"Shut the fuck up and get in the car." I command, "You don't have the right to talk anymore."

"Of course I fu —"

"No." I deadpan, fed up with her bullshit and her voice and her constant need to go against every virtue she was raised with. Ever since our mother died, she got caught up into the wrong group and keeps contributing to her own mishaps. "Get in the car or I'm taking your ass back in there to stay the weekend."

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