41 | breach

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41 | breach


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Looking at Monique fast asleep on my chest, I'm reminded of how far we've come in our relationship. We went from strictly having sex to what we have now.

Pure love.

From the many nights we've slept in the same bed together, I've learned to love so much about her. From the little snores she thinks I don't hear to the way she sleeps so bad that most mornings she wakes up, her bonnet is no longer on her head.

I've learned that she can't go to sleep without socks on or without a bit of background sounds to lull her to sleep.

I've learned that she doesn't go to sleep without praying or kissing me. And during the night, she latches onto me just like she is now.

I love her quirks, her odds and ends, her ability to make me smile, her body that I've memorized, her mind that intrigues me.

I love her ability to ramble and her ability to be bold. I love that she can be vulnerable with me and I'm proud of myself for ensuring an environment where she can do so without judgment.

I love her.

And I just hope I'm doing enough to not only say it but show her every moment I can.

As the car arrives at the hangar, my jet waiting for us, I dread waking her up. I'd stayed with her the night before and helped her pack but she had more things than I thought she would.

Of course, I offered to purchase her new clothes when we get there so we just ended her frantic packing and spent the rest of the night doing other things.

I didn't know she'd be knocked out like this.

"Princesa," I whisper, brushing her braid away from her temple so I can kiss her, "We have to get on the plane."

"Hmm." She grumbles and cuddles even further into my hold.

Leo, my driver, sends me a look in the rear view mirror and I'm left to sigh. "¿Podrías agarrar las bolsas, por favor?" Could you grab the bags, please?

He nods and exits the car, leaving me to adjust Monique so that she's now laying over my lap. I exhale and open the door before scooping her up into my arms and making my way to the steps waiting for us.

I put her down on one of the seats and go to collect the rest of the bags when she latches onto my arm and pulls me down with another grumble.

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