You're Mine; Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Son when are you going to stop messing around. You should be out there looking for your mate." My dad lectured me pointing to the door.

"Dad how many times do I have to tell you I don't want a mate?"

"Bro you have to get one. You could be in serious trouble if you don't." The alpha said.

      So here's the deal. Almost everybody in the pack has a mate and those who don't are going crazy looking for one, everybody but me. So now my dad and the alpha, my best friend, are trying to talk me into going out there and looking for a mate.

"Look I just don't feel like being paranoid over one silly person!" I exclaimed. That is my biggest fear of having a mate going crazy over one person. Having them by your side one day then the next day there gone.

"Dude you say that now, but once you find your mate you will be happy going paranoid over them." The alpha said happily. You see the alpha here, Justine, has found his mate recently and is dying with happiness. "Xavier I just want you to be as happy as me. Please?" Ugh.

"Fine I will go out and find my mate." I saw the happiness on their faces so... "After I go to the movies," and their faces dropped.


     So I wasn't really at the movies I was actually in the forest driving on the dirt road. As I was driving I saw a black blob of something near the trees. I stopped the car and walked over to the black object. The closer that I got to it the more the object started to look like a boy.

     As soon as I turn the boy around I was hit by this powerful sensational, lustful smell that turned me on oh so hard. My wolf started to howling in happiness and repeating mate mine mate mine.

      I looked at his face and my breathing stopped. He was beautiful, his smooth skin a perfect creamy color. His jaw strong, but delicate. His hair soft as silk and smooth.

     I brushed a piece of hair out of his eyes and he stirred. He slowly opened his eyes and one again my breath stopped. He had the most extraordinary crystal blue eyes that I have ever seen in my existence.

"Hi my name is Xavier. What's your name?" I asked the gorgeous boy lying in front of me.

 "Chleo." He said quietly. A shiver went down my spine as I heard the most pleasant, delightful lovely voice in all the cosmos. God even name is perfect.  I wanted to hear more of it.

"What are you doing here in the forest?"

"I-I don't know." His eyes traveled around the forest looking confused then landed on me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked in the most adorable face ever. God I'm so whipped.

"I come here for a drive when I...lets just say when I need to get away."


Everything became quite, except for the animals around going about their day.

"I should probably leave now." Chleo said trying to lift himself up, but was too weak. He let out a sight and gave up.

"Um I have a house close by you can rest there till you feel better." I said begging that he will say yes.

"Ummm...okay I guess, but I can't really get up." Chleo shyly said. I am so going to enjoy this. I picked him up bridle style and carried him to my car. I sat Chleo down on the front seat and bulked his seatbelt on. The cutie blushed at this.


     When we reached the house I walked over to Chleo's side and opened the door and carried him inside the house.

"Um Chleo I forgot to tell you, but my house only has one room so we kind of have to share if you don't mind." The shock his head no and snuggled into my hold. Oh god I'm so hard.

      I laid him down in the bed, but his little arms where still around my neck. I smiled at the thought that he daren't want to let me go. Chleo noticed that he still haven't let me go and blushed.

"Sorry." He said releasing his arms from my neck.

 "It's okay. You can stay here and rest while I got make us something to eat. Will you like something in particular?" He put on this cute expression, then said,

"I will like some chocolate chip pancakes please." 

"No problem. Rest okay." He nodded his head and snuggled into the covers.


     I made the pancakes extra chocolaty and carried them up to the room. When I reached the bed I found Chleo sleeping peacefully. I put the food down and sat next to him. I lightly trace his beautiful face with my index figure memorizing his breathtaking features into my mind. I grew closer and closer to his luscious, soft, pink lips and pressed mine against his. Sweet burning fire spread all over my body and thus we connect with each other. My wolf howling in passion. I pulled away from his kissable lips and brought the tray of food closer and gently shock Chleo awake. He blinked his eyes open a few times then focuses on me.

"Foods done." He light up and sat up. I pulled the tray up to his lap started eating. He happily took a big bite out of the chocolate pancakes and swallowed.  


We have found him. My wolf tells me as we watch him eat. Yes we have, He's perfect.

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