Gray | 13

970 15 5

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Requested by: HeyimMe77

"Simple, Lucy and I will share a room, Natsu and Happy, and Y/N and Gray."


Gray rolled his eyes.

"Is there a problem with the choices of people as a partner Natsu?" He's already getting Erza started on with her scary eyes, and I'm definitely not in the mood to hear Natsu to complain once he gets pummeled into the floor.

"I originally wanted to bunk with Y/N!" Natsu continued his little tantrum.

"Natsu if Y/N were to bunk with you then who would Gray be with?" Lucy said with a tired sigh.

Yeah this mission we're taking took about a couple of hours just to get to the city and we're all beyond exhausted and in the mood for a nice play to relax but we have mister pinky having a fit because he can't bunk with me.

Definitely a confidence boost if you think about it, I mean who knew I could be wanted so much.

Alright I best not let that get to my head.

"No one, he doesn't deserve to share with anyone!"

Here we go.

"Pfft. Fine by me, I get more space to myself," Gray said with his arms crossed over his bare chest and with an even more dramatic eye roll.


"Y/N's loss anyways, I don't know why he would want to sleep with a snoring idiot..."

Yep there it is. Careful words Gray.

I smugly smirked to myself.

"What was that stripper!?"

"You heard me flame brain!"

That's when the two polar opposites started clashing heads against each other, I swear these two could pass off as an cliche from enemy's to lovers movie if that were to happen in a alternate reality.

But somehow I highly doubt that could happen given how these two are by themselves.

Okay maybe not think about your guildmates like that Y/N, okay? Okay, because I do not be needing that image in my head.

"Can both of y'all stop it!?" I snapped at them, pulling an Erza and hitting both their heads together where they both grunted in pain.

"Ow! What the hell Y/N?!" Natsu growled, I sighed out of annoyance, "Natsu it's just for one night, you have happy anyways..."

He looked at me with a pout then his eyes averted to Gray as his face grew into a frown of disgust.

"If he touches you I'll burn him alive." Natsu said with a hand on my shoulder.


"Says the Stripper!"

Again... seriously?

I didn't even want to bother getting between them this time because I'm not here to babysit these two.

"Alright that's enough!" There's Erza when you need her!


"Ahem... ma'am is everything... er, alright?" A random bellhop lady asked while looking at the both wizards in the floor completely knocked out.

"Yes sorry my apologies, these two always seem to cause something, but we'll be taking our things now and going up the room," Erza finished with a soft smile to show she's at ease now that two trouble makers have settled down.

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