Chapter 9: "You really do have IMPECCABLE timing, you know."

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Y/n sat in front of her computer for a hot minute, still processing what just happened. In 7 years, this had been her first fight with Alex. Seven fucking years.

Simply put, she didn't know how to feel.

It had only been 30 minutes since she shut down her monitor, but already a black hole formed in the pit of her stomach. Swallowing, swallowing, swallowing.

She hoped it could swallow her thoughts, replaying what he said, over and over and over again.

"You're so GOOD at everything..."

No I'm not.

Of COURSE she supported him. The first thing she did was subscribe, like all of his videos from the last months and smashed the notifications.

She literally fucking smashed the notifications.

She was pissed.

You're a self deprecating bitch.

Yeah I fucking know.

She could almost picture the shoulder devil and angel in her reflection on the black screen. Except there was no angel, just the devil and satan's apprentice. Her head was splitting, both sides telling her what quality of hers is bad and which one was more so than the latter.

She didn't know what was worse anymore, the fact that she was mad at him or why she was mad at him in the first place. Both were depressing things to think about.

You're a mentally unstable fucktard.

Y/n couldn't handle it anymore. She wrenched her locked door open and turned to enter her bathroom. She never understood why her bathroom had to be ocean themed like every generic white family ever. Sure, the soaps with seashell molds were somewhat cool but the curtains were overkill and so was the blue pattered toilet paper. Not to mention the toilet covers.

She headed to the sink and ducked her face in cold water, and gave a good hard look at herself. Her hair was greasy, plastered to her forehead from wearing her bulky headphones and hoodie all day. She was sweating in places she didn't know sweat glands existed. Her e/c eyes were faded, and underneath them were blatantly visible eye bags. So dark that makeup couldn't conceal them. She rubbed a measly finger over them as if friction it would make them go away.

It didn't.

The lotion bottle was very much tempting now. After squeezing a little bit on her hands, she ran her fingers with the sticky substance under her eyes where they previously were. It didn't do any visible benefit, but her face relaxed in days. She let out a satisfied sigh. As much as she hated to admit it, her screen was clearly getting to be a bit too much for her. She needed a break from her computer. She needed to go touch some grass, maybe breathe some wind. Maybe tumble down some hills like the kids across the street. Maybe climb some trees like she used to when she was 8. Maybe freeze to death again, with a hand to warm her.

A hand to warm her.


She needed to talk to him. Maybe this break was good. Animal Jam could wait. Club Penguin could wait. Minecraft could wait. Pac-Man could wait. And maybe Alex could wait too. He has other friends right?

Maybe Alex needed some time from her as well.

"Maybe you'd support me?"

The lotion may have removed her stress, but not her repetitive thoughts.

What does that mean? Of course I'd support you, why wouldn't I?

"I wanted to impress you"


She'd heard him. She'd heard how hurt he was when she didn't believe his bullshit. But maybe it wasn't bullshit.

She didn't understand him but what she did know was that she was being a bastard. How much she wanted to log on and hear his voice again and just say 'I'm sorry'. She didn't know what she was apologizing for and THAT was what bothered her. Fully covered but goddamn, did she feel vulnerable.

Just then, the door bell rang, bringing Y/n just out of the reach from the event horizon of that black hole. It brought her into check. She was not going back to a device again, her eyes were sore just thinking about it.

So she regained an ounce of self control and ran downstairs m, throwing open the door. She was wearing sweats this time and was perfectly prepared for the rainy weather wind that nearly knocked her off her feet.

She grinned up at the ginger boy in front of her.

"You really do have IMPECCABLE timing, you know."

Sincerely- A Quackity X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now