Chapter 95- Ophelia's POV

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So maybe I listened in on Cassie's talk with Mum when they all got back from Hogwarts. Sue me or whatever. But I think that I have the right to know what my twin sister is getting involved in right? No? Who cares.

Anyways, that was like two weeks ago and I want to be like 'oh yeah it's totally back to normal everyone is happy and Weasley again' but that would be a fucking lie and I don't like liars.

Cassie and Mum haven't really talked much since their argument and the entire house can feel it. Dad has been doing his best to fix the bridge between them but it hasn't been working.

Working in the shop has been an absolute nightmare. Freddie has been taking two hours for lunch breaks instead of one so that he can spend time with Evie who stops by every day. Mum and Cass can't be on the same floor cause the shadows around them get darker and the air drops like five degrees and puts the customers off, and it's hard to breathe.

"Dad? Evie's here so I'm gonna take off now!" Freddie comes behind cash and pops his head into the storage room where Dad is.

"Why doesn't Evie come back for dinner? We can't afford to have you gone for hours kiddo." Dad says coming out of the backroom, four different boxes floating in the air behind him.

"It's not even that busy! You can handle it without me!"

Dad puts the boxes down and flashes me a smile before talking to Fred again, "You'll survive not seeing Evie for a few more hours. You're needed here so you're going to stay here."

"Aren't you the one that kidnapped Mum one summer cause you missed her?" Freddie says to Dad. I laugh and instantly cover my mouth with my hand.

"This is totally not the same thing. Go get this stuff out on the shelves, tell Evie to come back for dinner." Dad nods towards the boxes. Freddie grumbles under his breath but he does as Dad asks.

Dad watches him walk out into the busy shop as he comes up beside me, "You can head upstairs for lunch if you want, come back down in an hour."


Dad nods, "Tell Cass that she can take her lunch break too."

"You're telling me that I have to take my break with the queen of darkness herself? Can't I just skip lunch?"

Dad shoots me a look and I mumble an apology before heading around the counter and up the stairs. Cass is dusting a shelf on the third floor when I get up there, "Dad says you've gotta take your lunch now." I say to her as I walk through the shelves of defensive products to the hidden door to the flat.

Cassie puts the rag that she is using in her back pocket and comes over to me, not saying a single thing as she walks past me and up the stairs to the flat. When we get inside, Cass goes into the kitchen and pulls out the stew that Mum has made and warms a bowl of it up in the microwave.

"It might not be my place to say anything..." I say to Cass, coming up beside her in the kitchen.

"It's not." She says coldly.

I ignore her completely and just keep talking, "But you really shouldn't have pushed Mum the way you did."

Cassie rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. The microwave beeps and she takes her stew out and goes to sit down at the table.

"Being self-destructive is one thing. But destroying Mum in the process? Sort of selfish if you ask me...." I look over my shoulder at Cass; she's just stabbing her spoon into her bowl so I continue talking, "It hasn't been the same around here since you got back. Mum's constantly pissed off, Dad's stressed out of his mind because of it, Annie is worried she's going to say the wrong thing so she just stopped talking..."

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