Untitled Part 4

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Hugo's POV

"My days are going to go great, Sofia's back, she's my latest target. She dose not seem to be interested in me though, she did seam pretty interested before in royal prep, she dose not know what I went through or going through everybody deserved to feel heartbroken when you loose someone you love. While she has everyone she loves or ever loved. She deserves to feel heart broken. She's a challenge." I said to Ben. But Ben didn't seam convinced he frowned at me. "I think you should stop, you do this every year and I think your earning your self a name." Said Ben. "It dose not matter." I replied. "I know you like Sofia, and not just as a someone who's heart you want to break. You have liked her since You won the Flying Derby tornament together." Ben said. How does he know everything. "What? No, I. How did you know?" I asked Ben in disbelieve. "I am your best friend I saw the way you looked at her when she was with her best friend Vivian in the Hall way, how you expression changed the moment your eyes connect." Ben said. " Is that true?" It was a girls voice, oh no it was Vivian. "Vivian!" I jumped nearly 10 feet high. "What are you doing hear?" I asked. "Well you see I go to school hear. But is it true?" I didn't reply, I just looked down how could I reply she was Sofia's best friend. She would tell her everything. "I won't tell Sofia." Vivian said. I looked up. "You will" She completed her sentence. I let out a groan. "If you don't tell her the truth within a month then I'll tell her. And friendly piece of advice don't you dare mess with her fealings like you mess with the other girls feelings you'll regret it." And she left. I just stood there. I shook it off and went for class (unaware of the fact that James and Amber had heard the entire thing.) As I made my way for class I saw the girl that made butterflies in my stomach fly hard. Snap out of it I told my self I saw Vivian give me a look. Sofia had turned around and smiled and waved at me at me? I thought she hated me. She had gotten up from her seat and was coming towards me, 

or I thought she was actually waving to Cleo, and Hildigard. My face fell, yup she hated me. 

Just as Sofia sat on her seat again. I made my way towards her "Hello princess." i said as I bowed. And got hand and kissed it I was about to kiss it again when she pulled her hand away. She was looking at me, or should I say glairing at me. "Hugo seriously this again?" She said but her voice wasn't harsh it was soft. "I didn't mean to offend you yesterday. I am sorry." I said. "Well you should be saying sorry to the girls you hurt, not me." Sofia said. I was about of say something when someone pulled me back and dragged me out of class in to the hall way which was luckily empty. "Listen mister Vivian gave you a month we are giving you a week, you better tell Sofia your true feelings or we will." It was Amber, and James. I groaned. "W know you lost your mother but that dosen't mean you can do all of this and mess with people's feeling's espicially Sofia's because she likes you well at least the old Hugo." Said James. "She likes me?" I said. "The old Hugo not this jerk." Said Amber. "She told you she likes me?" I asked. "Well she dosen't realise that she likes you yet, but the little feelings she has will go if you don't stop this." Said James. "Ya what ever." I said ya stupid I know but what ever I am too happy to react. 

-----5 days later------

I kept trying to talk to Sofia but she hardly ever did.

It was the last day Amber, James, and Vivian kept eying me. I made my way to Sofia's locker, where I say her standing there. putting her stuff in. "Hey Sofia." I said "what do you want?" She asked me. "You" I simpelly said, she glaired at me. "Listen I am sorry for what I did over over the year. I truly am and I am trying to improver, really because I have loved you since we won the tournament together and even more." I said completely honest I didn't care if a lot of people were stairing at us an in me and listning to the conversation I heard a few girls gasp. But then Sofia banged her locker rathe hard and caught even more attention. "Stop lying, " But" "Just stop, Hugo you wanted to know weather I like you or not then hears the truth I liked you too since the ice dancing recital. But not any more, you are playing with everyone's feelings, and I know you are playing with mine too you think I don't knot that Amber, and James gave you a week to tell me this. Hugo all of this is just a game for you, and nothing else." Sofia just blasted I've never seen her this mad. Did she just say she liked me? "I only do this because otherse should feel what it feales like to loose people you love." I replied. "I know I am just a challange for you I heard you talking to Ben, but let me tell you something I know what it feels like to loose someone you love. I lost my father when I was 6. So you are wrong Hugo what you are doing is wrong." Sofia said she walked away she looked at James, Amber, and Vivian and said, "Thanks a lot." and rushed out, "Sofia wait." Amber said but too late she was already gone.

I covered my face with my hands and sat down. I said "I lost her, again." "Hugo." Said a voice it Amber. "What do we d now Sofia hates us." Said Vivian. "That's why she wasn't takling to us like usual the past week." Said James.  

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------________________________________________________________________________________What do you think happens now, please give me ideas. I am almost out I am begging you all my readers.

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