Untitled Part 3

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Sofia's POV

After Vivian took me to class I asked her about Hugo, "Sofia he well he dates a girl to make her fall in love with him and dumps her." Said Vivian quietly as she took her seat. I took the seat  next to me. When I noticed Desmond reading a book, Ya I was mad about Hugo being a jerk and a playboy and wait till I get my hands on him I'll set him straight." 

So I sat on the desk so that I could talk to Vivian and Desmond easily, "Hey Des." I said Desmond at once shot his head from his book and I knew he would recognicse me at once as I was the only one who called him that Amber called him that too but sometimes. "Sofia?" He asked me. I just smiled and nodded. He closed his book, and came forward he gave me a hug and I hugged him back. "I am so glad that your back now James will have to stop teasing me about liking Amber." Realesing what he just said he covered his mouth and looked flushed. I had my eyes wide open. Vivian was laughing. "Des it's ok theirs nothing wrong in liking someone." I said with a sweat smile. Des smiled back Vivian had just started talking about her music club and asked weather I wanted to play the piano. And well lucky for her I love the piano so agreed. Just as we were going to talk more we were stopped. "You know princess you are sitting on my desk." I knew it was a prince because of his voice. "I don't see you name written Hugo." As I was saying this I turned around so it was him. My sentence was in a teasing manner but the part where I said his name wasn't in a teasing manner. "So princess does remember me." He replied bowing, is he flirting with me? I heard a few whispers in the class like 'is she his next target?' And god knows what. I stood up from the desk and pulled my bag I faced my back on him, " I do remember you, but I don't think you remember yourself. Hugo." I said without turning I took my seat next to Vivian. And glared at him, he stood there as if he had been slapped in the face. Just when James came from behind and came towards me and said, "Sofia your sitting next to my girlfriend? You knw that right?' "Well she became my bestfriend before she became your girlfriend and why don't you sit next to Des and get to know him better and don't you dare tease him." I said eying him. "My little sister ordering me to do something." James teased on more. "Your lucky I am just doing this if I tell Amber what you did I am pretty sure the next order she will give will to get your head." I teased him back. James said something like she's my twin and went to sit next to Desmond Desmond gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at him. When Hugo came back and leaned against my desk as I turned his face was in too close I glared at him, I could sense James getting ready to beat him up or something like that. "Arn't you in too close." I said. "I don't know I can go closer if you want, you know." He snickered back at me. Inching close. I got my hand and pushed his face away from mine. "What is wrong with you." I said well more of yelled. "Nothing's wrong with me this is just who I am." Hugo said. "Well this in not the Hugo I remember, This isn't the Hugo during Royal Prep." I said. "Which one before we became friends of after?" Hugo replied. I glared at him and said, "After." He was going to say somethin but luckily the teacher entered the class. 

Well I kept my distance from Hugo the entire time during lunch break I saw him takling to a crowd of his fan girls. I don't know why I felt something wiered in my stomach but I ignored it. When finally the school was over I waved Vivian and Desmond and all my other old friends bye as James, Amber, and I entered the coach. I told Amber everything. 

She was pretty mad too.   

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