V. Truculent

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Truculent - overly aggressive, eager to fight.

The room in which they stood was huge. It had more than enough room for all of the people who were in it, though there weren't many others to join. Lilith liked having the extra room. It helped her feel less stressed and warm, which was good. She needed to be there for Peter as they made big decisions, and she needed to have her head so she could provide the best counsel possible. She didn't like to think of things as defining points in her life in the moment, but she couldn't deny this one. It was one of the biggest decisions she had ever had to face.

As much as she was Peter's wife, she couldn't always side with him when it came to discussions of battle. He was often trulucent - overly aggressive, eager to fight. It was hard for him to make decisions about battles or war that weren't solely based on what he wanted to happen, and what he imagined happening. He wasn't stupid, or blind, but he had trouble seeing around what he imagined in his mind. That was often where having other people around would help, but he just wasn't having it that day.

He and Caspian just couldn't stop speaking over one another. They both thought they were in charge, and though Peter probably was, Caspian should also have had the chance to speak. Lilith thought Peter was being incredibly unfair and a little rude. She sat somewhat behind him, beside Lucy on the now broken stone table. She couldn't see his face as well as she would have liked, but Lucy asked her to sit with her. She suspected her little friend knew she'd want to be nearer to her husband.

"We could collect nuts!" a squirrel said excitedly. Lilith almost snorted at it, but it would feel wrong. After all, most of the Narnians wouldn't know any better, would they?

"Yes, and throw them at the Telmarines!" The mouse Lucy had called cute - Reepicheep - seemed to be making fun. Or very possibly he just came off as sarcastic when he didn't mean to. "Shut up." Nope, he was making fun.

"I think you know where I stand, sire." She noticed how he only really addressed her husband as royalty, though there was a whole other ruler standing a foot away. Not to mention the other four spread out across the room. Peter didn't seem to notice, though Caspian did. Every time a Narnian addressed her husband as king, or sire, or your majesty, his expression darkened just a little more. Lilith couldn't blame him.

Now Peter had turned to the leader of the centaurs. His request of aid was something Caspian didn't think would happen, and when the centaur said, "Or die trying, my liege." he looked very shocked and a little offended. Again, she couldn't blame him. From what she could glean the Narnians had all promised their services to him, but now that the other rulers were there they had all moved over. Anyone would find that aggravating.

"That's what I'm worried about," Lucy said beside her. Peter turned to look at them. Lilith didn't meet his eye, mostly because he wasn't looking at her. She could see in the set of his jaw and his clenched fists that he was damn well near punching someone. He seemed to be able to hold himself back better here.


"You're all acting like there's only two options: dying here, or dying there."

"I don't think you've really been listening, Lu," Lilith was annoyed at how quickly Peter dismissed his little sister. He dismissed her stories of Narnia at the professor's house, and look where that got them. Lucy, however, could take care of scolding him herself.

"No, you're not listening!" Lilith patted her on the hand, proud of her. "Or have you forgotten who really defeated the White Witch, Peter?" That was a bit of a low blow, especially from Lucy. Now that Peter had turned again, Lilith could see that he was hurt. It was buried deep under his anger and want for battle, but she could see it nonetheless.

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