X. Zenosyne

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Zenosyne - the sense that time keeps going faster.

Peter in the sunlight was a sight Lilith would never get tired of.

She had stolen one of his shirts after they'd finished, which she was wearing now. They'd managed to get in such a position that he had his head on her chest and arms around her waist, while she cradled his head and wrapped the other arm around his shoulders. Their legs were intertwined beneath the sheets they had tucked under.

She carded her fingers through his hair as he slept on, staring down at his sleeping figure. This was probably the most trusting and relaxed she had seen him in a long time. It was beautiful to her. Every little bit of him was perfection.

"You have nice eyes."

She started at his voice, managing to get her out of her thoughts on his beauty. "How long have you been awake?"

"Do you mean how long I've been pretending to be asleep?"

She smacked his shoulder lightly. "You know I'd still play with your hair if you were awake, right?"

"Yes, but I wouldn't be able to help myself from doing this," He leaned up and pressed his lips to hers. She immediately moved her other hand to his hair, pulling herself down so she was at the same height as him. His grip around her waist tightened as he kissed down her neck and to her now bare shoulder. The smile that had made its way to her face only grew as she bit her lip, loving how his kiss felt on her bare skin.


"Shh," he whispered, biting a little on her collarbone.

She giggled. "Seriously, we should get up."

"You're so boring," he groaned. His lower lip came out beneath his upper, making the perfect little pouting face. She laughed again, poking the tip of his nose gently with her index finger.

"You're perfect, you know that?"

"As are you."

She snorted before kissing his forehead. "Sure I am. Let's get up." He groaned again but reluctantly pulled himself from her, sitting on the edge of the bed. She rolled up behind him and placed her hand on his shoulder, kissing his back just below it. "Are you alright, love?"

"Fine," He smiled at her, putting his hand over hers. She moved her chin so it was atop both of their hands, looking at him curiously.

"Are you sure?"

He nodded. She nodded along with him, which made him grin uncontrollably. She had a habit of imitating people in situations she didn't know what else to do. It was something he enjoyed very much, given that it was often him she was imitating.

She sighed. "I'm going to choose to believe you. Let's get dressed before any of your siblings or Caspian comes in."

He cringed at the thought, patting her hand and giving her a soft kiss before getting up from the bed. She had laid out a comfortable dress the night before, figuring she and Peter would get up to things. Her again-teenage body wasn't as used the actions as her adult body had been, so she was a tad bit sore while walking. Peter took note of her small waddle and smirked proudly as he got dressed.

"You alright over there, darling?"

She turned and glared at him. "Just fine, thanks." He laughed as she waddled to the little dressing room, her clothes in hand. It seemed her hair was not having it that day, so she tucked as much of it back into a long plait as she could. A lot of the front pieces fell out around her face. It was messy-cute, a look she had nearly mastered back in London. The dress she had picked was simple and easily done up, so she didn't need to endure further teasing from her husband about the marks he had made. None of them were visible above the neckline of the dress, but below...

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