Chapter 11

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A/n: Hello everybody! Today is January 25th, 2020. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY TO IGGEE ROSE!!! oh my god i didn't realize today was the birthday until i was sitting in the shower.

oh god, where to begin? a year ago today i started an account after my sister pulled up loki fanfic and told me to leave her alone XD. after that, i fell in love and started with "I Want What I Deserve" and "Reality." still dont know why "IWWID" is so popular cause it sucks but whatever- anyways i caught a bug with this place and continued writing. and i wrote. a lot. 

i'd like to consider myself a somewhat popular person, both for my writing and my comments, because i also get a lot of my followers from comments on various other stories. i am in constant awe at the OVERWHELMING love and support i get and have continued to get on my stories. it means THE ENTIRE WORLD to me, and i dont think i would still be here if it weren't for you. mean EVERYTHING to me. you are so precious to me and i love you forever. with that said, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IGGEE ROSE!!

Y/n sets up her own camp a few yards away from the Careers. Both are wary about the other, keeping a constant eye on each other. They camp out inside the Cornocopia, given that all other Tributes are scared of them. Nightfall comes, and as Y/n settles inside a sleeping bag she grabs, the anthem begins blaring through the arena. 

Y/n looks up at the sky and watches the dead children's face be projected into the sky. She inhales deeply when she sees Katniss is not among them. This is risky to not be with her. But it has to work. It has too, she thinks to herself, glancing at Cato.

She tucks a dagger into the sleeping bag beside her so she can stab someone at a moment's notice. Her eyelids droop as she watches the sparks of the fire fly up into the fake night sky, alerting people that the Careers are not afraid to be known.


Y/n wakes up to the smell of charred wood in her nose and slight heat on her face. She jumps up, brandashing a dagger. She looks down and sees the campfire from last night has flickered out. She turns around slowly and looks behind her.

She gasps and bites back tears, feeling her heart stop as she sees the trees up in flames. Y/n resists screaming out Katniss' name. The Careers wake up and stand behind her. Y/n sees a figure moving towards them and squints, then bites her cheek hard to keep from screaming when she sees it's Katniss.

The Careers begin whooping and grab their weapons. "You coming, Y/n?" Cato asks with a taunting sneer.

Y/n grins. "You bet."

Strapping her swords into a matching holster on her back and tucking various daggers into her clothing, she takes off after them. Being the fastest of all of them, she pulls ahead quickly. Cato watches in a little awe as her nimble legs carry her through the forest, quickly dodging trunks and jumping up over roots, pulling her feet to her chest before landing on the earthy floor.

Y/n notices that Katniss is limping. If she wasn't she'd likely be out of sight. Katniss glances up at a big tree and begins climbing. Y/n smirks to herself. Katniss looks down at Y/n, tears falling from her eyes. Glancing behind her, Y/n sees the Careers aren't within hearing range, not from all the noise they're making.

"I'm going to kill them. I love you," Y/n whispers up the tree.

Katniss gasps a little in understanding, nodding. She winces at the wound on her leg, with makes Y/n's eyes fill with tears.

The Careers catch up and look up at Katniss, taunting her. Cato shrugs off his backpack and begins climbing the tree, but slips off and falls. Y/n rolls her eyes. "You think you can do better, princess?" He asks.

Y/n scoffs at him and pulls out a dagger, holding it up to his throat. He begins whimpering as his "friends" watch in amusement. "Don't 'princess' me." She tucks the knife away again as Clove grabs the bow and arrows and tries shooting at Katniss. She misses atrosciously, obviously.

"Let's just wait her out. She gotta come down at some point, it's that or starve to death. Let's kill her then," Y/n says.

Cato nods. "Okay. Somebody make a fire."

They wait until night falls upon them. Y/n looks up at Katniss with love in her eyes. She grins and winks at her. Katniss smiles at her and mouths "I love you." Y/n nods, but her eyes catch a parachute floating down to Katniss. She gestures her head towards it and Katniss catches it.

She pulls out a metal canteen and begins rubbing some formula on her burns. Y/n smiles to herself at the obvious relief it provided Katniss. She pretends to doze off, but keeps a close eye on the Careers and Katniss.

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