Chapter 9 - Heartbeat

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After about two weeks, Trixie was almost one hundred percent healed. The pain was almost entirely gone and the bruises were starting to disappear. She only stayed at Katya's place for the first week, and they kept talking to each other on the phone every single day. By Friday, they had decided to have a dinner date at Katya's place, the only place they had privacy.
   After Katya got home from work, she attempted on cooking dinner, but failed. She texted Trixie asking if she minded if they just ordered Chinese food and just put it in a fancy plate, which Trixie obviously didn't mind. Katya lit up candles all over the apartment, including on the dining table, where she put a little flower pot with similar lilies as the ones she gave Trixie when she was at the hospital. She arranged the plates and the cutlery and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower. The thought that maybe that night would be the first time ever that she would have sex with Trixie was making her lose her mind, to the point that she wanted to touch herself, but Katya just decided to save it for later.
  She put on the sluttiest dress she could find, a lacey red one, with a big cleavage and long sleeves. The dress was so short that the cheeks of her ass were almost showing, which was more than appropriate for that occasion. Even though she was at home, Katya still wanted to make an impression on Trixie, so she put on black vinyl pumps and heavy black eye makeup, with the finishing touch of a blood red lipstick.
Right when Katya finished applying her makeup, the doorbell rang, indicating that her beloved Trixie had arrived. When she opened the door, her jaw hit the floor. Trixie was in 50's light blue dress, midi length with a circle skirt. The dress had no shoulders and her cleavage was, somehow, even bigger than Katya's. She had on white pumps with little bows on the heels. Her hair was in a long, curly ponytail, and her makeup was somehow soft and remarkable at the same time.

''Wow.'' Katya sighed while her eyes photographed every inch of Trixie's body.
''Same to you. I am...speechless.''

Katya just wanted to rip off hers and Trixie's clothes off right there, but she knew that would be the dessert. Dinner awaited. Trixie hanged her coat and her purse and followed Katya to the table that stood next to a big window, with a beautiful view to the city of New York.

''This is perfect, Katya. I'm so happy we got to have our little date here, just us.''
''I'm happy you like it, baby. I'm going to put food on our plates, I'll be right back.'' Katya left for the kitchen.

Trixie watched her ass, almost peeking out of the dress, while she walked away. She was as thirsty as Katya, the anticipation was driving her insane. But it would all be worth it in a few moments. Katya came back with the plates, steam was coming out of them. She sat down and slapped her own forehead, like had forgotten something.

''I forgot to get us something to drink. Do you want anything?''
''Just a coca cola!'' Trixie said, smiling.
''Really? I thought you'd want wine, or whisky...''
''I...actually have been going to some meetings. I decided to start taking care of myself, so I'll avoid alcohol and drugs as much as I can.''
''Baby, I'm so happy for you! This is so amazing!'' Katya took Trixie's hand over the table, smiling at her.
''I'm happy too. I hope it pays off.''
''It will. Look, I'll be right back with our cokes.''
''You don't have to...if you wanna drink...''
''I don't want to.'' Katya smiled and took the empty glasses to the kitchen to fill them up. When she came back, Trixie was smiling widely out the window. ''What is it?''
''I really don't deserve you, you know?'' she brought her look back to Katya.
''What do you mean?''
''You're so good to me, and you never expect anything in return. I've never met anyone as selfless and patient as you. You are my angel.''
''Trixie...I'm not perfect. I'm not that selfless, and certainly not patient. But one thing I definitely am is someone who loves you very much. Everything I do comes from a place of love. And I am so lucky to have found you.''
''I love you.''
''I love you too.''
''Okay, let's eat!''
''Please, I'm starving! I didn't have lunch today.'' Katya took a piece of the food with her fork.
''Oh my God, why?''
''I was out there putting my resume at every store in the city. Well, in the Times Square, at least. I totally forgot to eat.''
''Baby, you can't forget to eat! Do you feel lucky about anything, at least?''
''Well, I don't really know. Actually, a few people recognized me from the photos the paparazzi took from us when we left the hospital, it was so weird.''
''God...'' Trixie sighed.
''I'm sorry I put you though this.''
''It's not your fault. I'm not going to lie, I kind of hated the experience, but you're not guilty. Don't worry about it.''
''Thanks, babe.''

They finished eating and then took the dishes to the sink by the kitchen. Trixie had just started to wash them, when Katya hugged her from behind and started to kiss her neck. All of the hairs on Trixie's body stood up to the touch of Katya's lips, and her body immediately started to burn.

''I want you so bad. You have no idea, Trix.'' Katya whispered on Trixie's neck in between kisses.
''Baby, wait.'' Trixie said, turning around to face her.
''What is it? You don't wanna...''
''I do, I want it really bad. But I have to be honest with you, I'm...a little insecure. I have been with so many people, this was your job. You know very well what you're doing. I've only had sex three times. With the same girl. I'm kinda scared that I'm not gonna measure up to your standards.''
''Baby, there are no standards! You're right, I've been with a lot of people before, but I've never loved any of them. I'm probably as nervous as you are right now. You don't have to worry about anything, I promise you.''

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