Chapter 3 - Glass

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''Wow, Karmen. Out of all of us, I would never expect you to talk about this work with someone, you really are in love." Said Vanessa, one of Katya's friends from the Pier.
''First of all, I'm not in love. Second, I don't know what the fuck happened! It was like I was under some truth serum or something.'' Katya said, lighting up a cigarette.
''But you normally don't share a lot about you with anyone. I mean, we don't know shit about you, Kar. What is it that she has that just pulls the truth out of you?'' the other girl, Violet, asked.
''She makes me fell weirdly comfortable when she's around. I just wanna talk about my day, about my life...And I hate talking, y'all know that.''
''Yeah,'re falling for that girl.'' Vanessa said, giggling.
''Is she even gay? I mean, you're bisexual, but does she give out any hints that she may like girls too?'' Violet said.
''I don't know. Actually...aside from her being a celebrity, I don't know anything about her. I'm scared to asked and...''
''And get your little hooker heart crushed.'' Violet provoked.
''Shut the fuck up, Violet. Look, there's your guy, go to work bitch!''
''You're in love, Karmen! You're in love!'' Violet said, walking away and entering a very fancy black Lamborghini.
''Come on, girl. Don't lie to yourself. We will miss you if you leave the work here, but I'm gonna love to be your bridesmaid!''
''No. You're gonna find out everything you need to know about this Trixie girl, and if she's gay, you WILL go for it!  Promise me?''
''Uh, fine! Just because you and Violet are gonna annoy the shit out of me unless I do so.''
''Violet said it herself: You're in love, Karmen!''


Trixie: I'm looking forward to tonight!!! I'll pick u up at 9PM, k?
Katya: can't wait!! Wear something cute :)
Trixie: hey, you stole my line!
Katya: you bet I did
Trixie: well, guess all I have to say is...yes, ma'am.

'''ll be the death of me.'' Katya whispered to herself while she closed the cash register and picked up her things to leave the store.

This time around, Katya chose a more comfortable outfit, but still fancy. She was wearing a white buttoned shirt with black jeans and a black belt. The shirt was open just enough for her breasts to showcase themselves in a flattering way. She was wearing the same black pumps as the last time, as well as her makeup and hair. Her perfume was the best fragrance she could find shoved inside her messy drawer. She knew how hot she looked, and that wasn't for nothing. Katya was determined to get closer to Trixie that night, no matter what. At 9PM sharp, she got the estimated text from Trixie and went downstairs, putting on a red trench coat and a black scarf. The same driver from last time was awaiting her outside the car and opened the door for her.
Trixie was stunning. Her hair was completely straightened, almost reaching her hips. She had on a mini lilac and silver metallic dress with thin straps. Her legs were bare and she had on silver high heel sandals. Not to mention that she smelled like lavender, which drove Katya crazy. Trixie never failed to look like a freshly out of the box Barbie doll.

''Oh wow...'' Katya let out, the truth serum speaking again.
''You're beautiful!'' Katya's statement made Trixie smile shyly.
''Thank you so much! You look beautiful as well!'' Trixie said, placing her hand on Katya's knee. ''So, how was your day?''
''The same boring stuff, you know. Working in a convenience store is not very exciting.''
''How about your night? I mean...last night...''
'' really wanna know?''
''Yeah, why not?''
'', it was very productive, I had two clients. They're really nice, and just between us, the both have pretty big...''
''Oh, that's awesome! So, next week I'm gonna start shooting a new project for TV, I'm really excited!''
''Oh my God, that's amazing!''

The girls chatted for a while until they finally arrived at the club. It had a long line of very well dressed people on the outside. Trixie took Katya's cold hand and gave her names to the security at the entrance, whom immediately welcomed them in. The party's theme was 80's, so all of the music was from that decade. When they entered, ''Call Me'' by Blondie was just starting to play.

''Oh, I love this song!'' Katya commented.
''Let's dance!'' Trixie pulled Katya to the dancefloor once they've hanged their coats and scarves.
''Oh, I don't dance...''
''Do you drink?''
''Oh, yeah!''
''So let's get warmed up for the dancefloor. Because you are dancing with me tonight.''

They headed to the bar and Trixie ordered four shots of tequila.

''Oh, sorry Katya, I forgot to ask what you wanted to drink.''
''So...the four shots are just...for you?''
''Yeah, I can barely feel a thing.''
''With tequila?!!''
''Excuse me, hi!'' Trixie called for the bartender. ''My friend here is going to want...what do you want, Kati?''
''Uh...just a beer, please!''
Katya's beer came right away. Trixie got closer to her ear to be able to speak through the loud music.

''So Katya, are you gay or something? You give a vibe.''

Katya was definitely not expecting that question so soon. Or any time, for that matter.

''I'm bisexual! How about you?''
''Oh, I'm a big closeted lesbian! My managers advised me not to come out because I am, quote ''America's sweetheart and it could endanger my career''.''

So she was gay. Closeted or not, this was definitely good news for Katya. Now she felt like she could finally make her move. Trixie's tequila shots arrived and she threw them in so fast that Katya barely could keep up. Trixie didn't even wait for the tequila to come down and asked the bartender for a bottle of beer.

''Trixie...are you okay?''
''I'm great! I have to say, thank you so much for coming! It's so nice to finally have a friend in this city.''
''I'm glad you like my company!''
''You're the best!'' Katya could fell Trixie's warm tequila breath on her ear, which made her burn between her legs.
''Excuse me, this is for you.'' The bartender said, giving Katya a glass of whisky.
''Uh, sorry, I didn't order this.''
''It's from that girl over there.'' The bartender pointed to a tall girl with similar face features as Katya, long blonde hair and a seductive smile.

Katya smiled back at the girl and raised the glass as in ''thank you''.

''Well, someone's getting lucky tonight...'' Trixie said, drinking from another glass of whisky that Katya didn't even see her order.
''Oh, no. I'm not leaving you alone for a hookup. I hookup all the time, remember? Tonight we're partying together!''
''You really are the best, Kati.''

After they finished their drinks, Trixie pulled Katya to the dancefloor. The song was ''Strangelove'' by Depeche Mode.

-I give in to sin
Because you have to make this life livable-

''This song speaks to me!'' Trixie shouted to Katya, clearly drunk, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the song.

Katya couldn't stop looking at the girl in front of her, that beautiful, sweaty, drunk Barbie. After the song was over, the DJ announced he wanted to slow things down a little bit, for everyone to get a drink and maybe kiss someone. The song he put next was ''La Isla Bonita'' by Madonna. Trixie didn't hesitate to grab Katya's waist, pushing their breasts together, and sensually dancing with her. Katya followed her every move, never breaking eye contact. There was nothing Katya wanted more at that moment than to just kiss her, but she didn't wanna do it publically, since Trixie was famous and was still in the closet. After the song ended, Trixie placed a kiss on Katya's cheek and smiled.

''You're a great dancer! I'll be right back!''

Katya watched Trixie disappear in the crowd and went back to the bar to get another beer. The girl who bought Katya the whisky earlier approached her with that same seductive smile.

''So...are you and that girl a thing or do I have a shot here?''
''Oh, she's my...friend...I just didn't wanna leave her alone, you know.''
''Well, she's not here now...I'm Brooke.''
''So, Katya, while your friend's gone, how would you like to spend some time with me?''
''I'd love that.''

Brooke gently approached Katya and kissed her, her tongue making her way in with ease. Katya walked backwards until her back hit a wall and Brooke pressed her body against hers, grabbing her ass. Although she was thinking about Trixie, Katya sure was enjoying that kiss, and Brooke was definitely a very attractive woman.

''No, dude, you don't understand! I just sold the rest of those pills to that girl Trixie Mattel, from that movie...''

Katya immediately parted herself and Brooke when she overheard that.

''I'm so sorry, I have to go. This was great, though!''
''Well, it was good while it lasted...''

Katya started to walk fast around the club, looking for Trixie, but there was no sign of her. Then, when Katya entered the ladie's room, she found Trixie sitting on the floor with a half-empty bottle of vodka on her hand, her makeup completely messed up and her dress almost pushed up in a way that her underwear was almost showing.

''Trixie, what the fuck!'' Katya kneeled by Trixie's side and helped her up.
''Kati...'' Trixie put the bottle on the sink and pushed Katya against the wall, kissing her, which Katya stopped immediately
''Trixie, what did you take?'' Katya held both of Trixie's shoulders firmly.
''Nothing, I'm fine!''
''I know you bought drugs, don't lie to me! We have to call your driver, you need to go home.''
''NO! I don't wanna go home! Please, please Kati don't make me go home...'' Trixie started to cry and collapsed onto Katya's arms, barely standing up.
''Can I take you to my house, then? You can't stay here like this...''
''Okay? Let's go then. I'll call us an Uber.''

Katya took Trixie to the entrance of the club, dressed her in her pink fur coat and her white scarf and then dressed herself. They waited around five minutes until the Uber arrived.

''Good evening! Oh my God...Trixie Mattel? Can I please take a picture with you?''
''Hm...'' Trixie's head was laid on Katya's shoulder, her eyes closed. She couldn't even form a sentence.
''Sorry, sir, she's not feeling well right now.'' Katya said, holding Trixie's hand.
''It's just one photo, very quick! Oh God, I can't believe Trixie Mattel's in my car.'' The man said, starting to drive.
''She can't sir, I'm sorry. Could you just take us home, please? She's not okay.''
''I'm asking her, not you!''
''I'm not feeling...good...'' Trixie made an effort to say.
''God, celebrities these days are just so rude...''
''No, what's rude is you trying to have her take a picture with you when she's almost blacked out! I'm sorry, but this is very inappropriate and selfish!''
''Whatever.'' The man kept driving, purposely hitting the breaks abruptly at times, to annoy the girls.

After about forty minutes, they arrived at Katya's place. Katya opened the door to her studio apartment, holding Trixie by the waist with the other arm. She took off her coat and scarf, and then Trixie's.

''You need to take a shower. Are you able to do that by yourself?''

Trixie nodded as in ''no''. Katya's mind was blank, automatically working to take care of the girl next to her. Katya sat Trixie on the couch and took off her shoes.

''Put your arms up.'' Katya said gently, which Trixie obeyed.

Katya pulled Trixie's dress up and took it off, folding it and placing it on the couch. Trixie's body looked like a renaissance painting. Katya was breathless for a moment with Trixie's pastel pink set of underwear, but her mind didn't allow her to sexualize any bit of it. Not at that moment. Katya took of her own shoes, belt and pants, leaving her with just her shirt, since she was not wearing a bra. She guided Trixie to the shower and entered there with her. The water was warm, just in the right temperature. She gently pulled all of Trixie's hair away from her face, caressing her scalp with a little bit of shampoo. She washed her hair, trying to be as gentle as possible to her. Then, Trixie turned to her, her makeup smeared everywhere, she was crying.

''Katya...I'm sorry...'' she once again collapsed into Katya's arms.
''Shhh...It's okay. I'm just worried about you. It's okay.''
''I life...'' Trixie sobbed on Katya's neck.
''I can't do this anymore. I can't do this, I can't...'' her voice faded away as she repeated the same sentence.
''I'm here. Don't worry about anything now. I'm here with you.''

When Trixie had calmed down a little, Katya finished washing her hair and cleaning her makeup off and turned off the shower. She put an extra clean towel she had on her bathroom around Trixie and put hers around her breasts, then got rid of her soaked shirt.

''Wait for me, I'm gonna pick up something for you to wear, okay? I'll be right back.''

Trixie nodded. Katya went to her room shivering with the coldness of her apartment, reminding her she hadn't turn on the heater. She picked up her favorite set of black sweats and the newest panties she could find. She gave them to Trixie in the bathroom and returned to her room the finish drying herself and put on her grey sweatpants and her ''Moscow – Russia'' red hoodie. After a couple of minutes, Trixie walked, stumbling a little, into the room. The sweats were a little small for her, but it was good enough to keep her dressed and warm. Trixie sat on Katya's bed and drank the glass of water that she had left there for her.

''You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep on the couch tonight.''
''Stay with me? Please?'' Trixie's eyes were tearing up again.
''Trixie, I shouldn't...''

Katya couldn't resist those little brown eyes asking her to stay. Katya laid down on her bed, as well as Trixie. They stared at each other in the darkness for a while.

''Katya I really want to kiss you right now.''

Katya's stomach was crowded with butterflies. She didn't know if this was really Trixie or the alcohol and drugs speaking.
''Me too. Believe me, I want this really bad. But not like this. I'm not taking advantage of you. Let's just go to sleep and we'll talk in the morning, okay?''
''Okay. You're really nice, Kati. I like you a lot.'' Trixie said, turning around to sleep.

Katya did the same.

KARMEN (trixya)Where stories live. Discover now