Chapter 6 - Murphy's Law

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The previous night was throbbing on Katya's mind. The breakfast time was nice, just like nothing happened, but still, Katya couldn't help but feel like she'd been punched in the stomach.
''I don't mind it at all, as long as you're okay, I'm okay. I love you.''
''I'm sorry, it's's not like that...''
'' is.''
''Look, I don't expect you to feel the same way. You don't have to worry...''
''I mean, I kinda led you on, didn't I? I kissed you, I...let you kiss me, I said things to you...but...I'm so scared of losing you, and at this point I don't think I can handle...''
''It's okay. It really is okay, please, just...forget what I said. We're friends. I'm here for you, okay?''
''Thanks for understanding...I don't want to hurt you.''
''You didn't. It's fine!''

It wasn't fine. It was the opposite of fine. Katya was mature enough to understand that Trixie was emotionally vulnerable at that moment, and it would be wrong of her to insist on something more, even though she was desperately, madly and deeply in love with her.

''Merry Christmas, Katya!'' Trixie said, giving Katya a small box.
''Oh my god, you got me a present?''
''Well, I bought this a couple of days ago, and this morning I remembered it was still on my bag, so, there you go!''
''Oh, I'm so embarrassed, I didn't get you anything...''
''Katya, you saved my life last night. I don't think there's anything gift that could top that.''

Katya blushed and smiled, turning her head down to the tiny box on her hands. She opened it, and it revealed a little pink car keychain.

''A car. Because the day we met you hit me with your car. You have the most twisted sense of humor I've ever seen.'' Katya laughed.
''I know, I'm awful!'' Trixie bragged, also laughing. ''I thought about giving you a real car, but that would've been just...taking the joke too far.''
''I would've loved if you had taken the joke too far, I want a new car!''

It was a happy Christmas morning. They sat on the couch and drank fresh squeezed orange juice that Katya made for them, talked about their favorite TV shows, until Trixie got a phone call from Felix, one of her managers.

''Just a moment, I have to take this...Hi?...Yes, um, I'm home...No I...When?...I'm sorry...Plea-...'' Trixie hung up and stood up from the couch, walking in circles.
''What happened, Trix?''
''I'm fucked. I'm fucked! Someone took a picture of you and me leaving my building yesterday...It's all over the media...And Katya, I wouldn't mind it, I swear! If it wasn't for them!'' Trixie said, on the verge of tears.
''I'll quit the Pier.''
''Wait, what...''
''I don't mind it, okay? I don't need it! I told you, I do it because I like it. Right now, it's important to keep you safe.'' Katya said, standing up and holding Trixie's shoulders. Trixie stared at her for a while with teary eyes.
''You really love me...'' Trixie said, as if it was hitting her just at that moment. She hugged Katya tightly, not leaving any space between them. Trixie could feel Katya's heart beating through her chest, as if it was desperate to break through her ribs.
''You have no idea'' Katya thought to herself.


The next day, Katya went to a Five Guys with Violet on her lunch break.

''Are you out of your mind?'' Violet said, taking a sip of her milkshake.
''I'm almost 30, it's not like I was gonna do this forever, Vi.''
''Okay, but how are you gonna pay for all of your things? Your apartment, your healthcare...I know the convenience store doesn't pay you enough.''
''Did you forget I went to college, sweetie? I have a degree in Psychology, I'll figure something out.''
''Why the fuck did you study that?''
''It was something my father wanted me to pursue before he died, so I did it for him. I ended up liking it, but never really worked with it...this might be a good moment for that.''
'''re gonna become like, a therapist? You?''
''I'm gonna think about it. It's not a bad idea...''
''Okay, listen to me. I know you love this girl, and I know I pushed you to go for it...But Karmen...''
''Karmen's...gone. For now. You can call me by my real name. It's Katya by the way.''
'' suits you. Anyway, as I was saying...Katya, this is your whole life. Your turning your life upside down for a girl you've only known for what? A month?''
''Wait, weren't you the one who told me that love isn't about how long you've known the person...''
''I know what I said. Listen...I'm just worried about you. You've never been in love like this, careful not to get your feelings hurt.'' Violet said, holding Katya's hands.
''I'm a grown woman, Vi. I'm gonna be okay.''
''Trixie's very lucky...anyone would kill to have someone like you in love with them.''
''Okay, now you're just flattering me!''
''I'm dead serious! You're a catch!''
''Alright, Vi. I have to get back to work. Listen, do you wanna come by this weekend, we can have a little wine, chat...''
''Oh, I'd love that! I'll be there. 'Katya'.''

Katya was distracted at the counter, looking on her phone for jobs that would probably pay her better. There was an assistant manager spot open in the H&M at Times Square, and Katya didn't even hesitate to apply for it. While she was finishing sending her resume, Katya was caught by surprise with a text.

Trixie: Damage control worked so far. Your identity is still a mystery to the media, thank god!
Katya: Oh my god, that's great Trix!!! Hey, do u wanna meet up on Friday, my place?
Trixie: Oh, I forgot to tell you...I'll be in London until  the new year. It's a holiday special for a TV program, something like that. I'm leaving tomorrow, I'll be back by January 2nd.

Katya was in the middle of typing when a ''Trixie'' showed up on her screen, calling her.

''Hey, Trix!''
''I'm not going to London.'' Trixie was whispering on the phone. ''Felix is keeping track of all of my texts and he made me send you that, saying that I would be away so you wouldn't try to see me. I'm in the bathroom right now, they don't know I'm talking to you, I don't have much time. Listen, I wanna talk to your lawyer friend. Friday's perfect. I'll be at your place by sunset. I gotta go, bye.''

Katya took her time to process everything she had just heard. Then, she called Vanessa.

''Hey, Van? Listen, that girl Brooke...could you give me her number?''
''Why the hell do you want my girl's number?''
''You said she was a lawyer, right? I need her help with something.''
''She is...I'll text you with her number, but if you hit on my woman...''
''I won't, Vanessa, for fuck's sake!''
''Alright, alright...I miss you, bitch! See you in New Year 's Eve!''
''See you!''


The rain had never been stronger in New York City than on that Friday. Brooke and Katya had been drinking wine and talking for hours already, completely distracted from the outside world.

''Didn't you say she'd be here by sunset? It's like, 8PM.'' Brooke said.
''Yeah, I'm gonna call her.''

Katya was suddenly caught by surprise with hundreds of texts from her friends.

Gigi: Are you okay? Were u with her?????
Vanessa: Please call me, Kar! Are u and Brooke safe?
Gary: Did you see the news???? Turn on your TV, NOW!!!!
Violet: Call me now!!!! Are you okay? Were u watching the news????

Katya didn't understand any of those texts. She then, called Violet first.

''Girl, what happened?''
''Thank God, Katya! Are you home? Are you okay?''
''I'm home, I'm fine! What's going on? I got like thousands of texts...''
''Oh my God, you don't know...''
''What? Violet, what's going on?''
''Trixie got in a pretty bad accident at the Brooklyn bridge. She's at the hospital right now. It's being broadcast everywhere. I thought you might be with her...''
''Vi...I'm sorry...I gotta go

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