The Plan

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Killua floated in the pool, focusing on the water against his fingers. He thought about his friend, and how much Gon would like it here- and how much he would like Gon to be there with him.

Gon made him... feel. He felt a bond with him that was different than his with his parents or sister. He wanted Gon to look up to him, to admire him. He wanted to impress him and share his secrets too. Gon made him excited and nervous, but also incredibly comfortable and happy.

Killua heard splashing, and came to his senses. He looked up to see his Papá helping Alluka swim.

"Killua! Look!" She shouted, kicking her legs wildly and making little to no progress toward him. Then Papá gave her a gentle push, and she sailed through to water to catch Killua in a hug. "I'm swimming!"

"You sure are!" He said, face squished against her pink floaty wing. "You're growing up so fast."

Killua took her by the hands and walked backwards through the water, pulling her along. Much to her delight, they went in circles. They went slow, and fast, and even circled Papá a couple times.

After about half an hour of the three of them playing together, Leorio called it a night. They dried off the best they could, then walked to their hotel room. Alluka pushed the elevator button, and Killua felt a rush of jealousy.

Killua brought his pajamas to the bathroom with him, and closed the door. He took off his soaking rash guard and swim trunks, hanging them on the shower curtain rod to dry.

For a moment, he stared at his bare chest in the mirror. A tree shaped scar dominated his skin. His Papá had told him it was something called a Lichtenberg figure? It was kind of pretty, but it brought back bad memories when Killua thought about how he'd gotten it. So he kept it covered up. He wasn't allowed to show anyone, that's what his parents taught him.

One he had his pajamas on, he joined the others out in the bedroom. They all sat on papa's bed, and played a board game. They had snacks, watched a movie, and Leorio told them a bedtime story when it was time to go to sleep.

Killua snuggled into his bed, excited to watch cartoons and have hotel breakfast in the morning.

Leorio POV

The phone rang. Kurapika didn't answer, what a shock. Leorio tried again, and connected on the third ring.

"Oh, sweetheart! Is everything okay?" Kurapika greeted over the phone.

"Yeah. The kids are both asleep now. I just wanted to check up and see how things are going?"

"Well, I was able to pack up most of our stuff and sell some of the big furniture that won't fit in the car. Have you found an apartment for us?"

"That's good! Um, not yet." Leorio admitted. "I've had my hands full with the kids. But I'll definitely research some options tomorrow."

"Perfect. Thank you." There was a long pause. "I miss you."

Leorio sighed. "Me too. Hurry up and sell the house so you can get over here."

He laughed. "I'm going as fast as I can." He shifted uncomfortably. "Killua's friend came by asking for him."

"Oh no."

"This is going to be really hard for Killua."

"I know." Leorio whispered. "Gon was his first friend. And the only kid who hasn't made fun of his albinism."

"My heart breaks ripping them apart."

"Me too. But Killua can always come back and visit, right?"

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