Chapter 6: Strike

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Getting rid of Rachel's body was a bit tougher than I thought it would be. It was definitely more of a challenge than Scarlett's was. I still managed just fine, though. There's tons of desolate forest around on the island so finding a quiet place to bury her body was pretty easy. She didn't deserve the cure. She should've known that.
Now everything of hers is mine. I have access to all her credit cards, debit cards, cash, bank accounts, and anything of hers I want. It's such a satisfying feeling. I have money.
As for the cure, I'm driving to the facility as I speak. Not only will I have enough money for the cure, I'll have even more money to spend for myself on anything I want. I guess this is what it feels like to be Rachel Bennett. Some life she lived. It's mine now. I have money. I'll have the cure.
I pull up to the facility gate and they ask me what I'm doing there.
"I'm here for Marcus Johnson. He should be expecting me.", I say.
They let me in after I showed them my ID. They gave me a hard time until they realized I'm his daughter.
"Thank you, gentlemen.", I say as I drive through and park.
I walk into the facility and press the pad to ring in. A voice comes on in response to the ringing.
"What business are you seeking today, ma'am?", the voice asks.
I realize it also has a camera, which is how the voice knew I'm a woman.
"I'm here to see Marcus Johnson.", I say.
The doors open automatically and I walk into a room with elevators. How am I supposed to know where to go? I go up to one of the elevators. The only option is down, which is weird. I enter the elevator and there are 10 floors going down... which amazes me. I knew governments had underground facilities, I just didn't know they could be that far underground. The elevator button for F is lit up in green. I guess that's their way of directing me to my Dad. I press the button for floor F and wait as I drop 5 more floors below ground. I think I can feel the air get heavier... if that's even how you describe it.
I notice there's a directory on the elevator with the title "Descension"... I'm tired of seeing that word. I'm dying to know what it means. Beneath it, it shows the key for each level on the elevator. I realize I'm on the main lobby which is level B, apparently:

Level A: Rooftop - Transmission Satellite
Level B: Main Lobby
Level C: Electric
Level D: Chemical
Level E: Storage
Level F: Offices

What could be on Level G? This place is giving me the creeps. I don't understand what this place is at all. More importantly, what does my Dad have to do with all of it? It seems like he's pretty high up in authority in whatever is going on here.
The door opens to a long hallway with a bunch of glass windows and doors on the sides. I walk down the long hallway and see everyone in black suits working in their offices. The entire color scheme of this floor is gray and blue. It looks so futuristic but also very intimidating and mysterious. I see my Dad walk out from one of the rooms to greet me.
"Hi honey, I'm glad you made it. Where's Rachel?", he asks.
That's one thing I didn't think of. Fuck. I need to think of something on the spot.
"Oh, she wasn't feeling well. I'm gonna pick up the cure for her.", I say.
He stares into my eyes and I can tell he knows I'm lying.
"Meredith, come with me into my office, now.", he says.
I follow him into his office and I get really nervous. He definitely knows I did something. He sits down at his desk and I sit across from him.
"How stupid do you think I am, Meredith?", he says angrily.
"I don't know what you're talking about, Daddy...", I reply.
"Do you think someone like me so high up in the world wouldn't have security around them everywhere they go? Meredith, every square inch of my vacation house is monitored by surveillance cameras.", he says.
I'm speechless. I don't even know what to do.
"Sweetie, I'm not mad at what you did to Rachel. I'm mad that you lied to me. In fact, I'm impressed. I didn't think you had it in you. You're more like me than I thought.", he says.
"Oh. Thanks?", I say as I'm really confused.
"Meredith. I assume you have enough money for the cure now, right? I can take the money and go get you your dose.", he says.
"Yeah, I wrote a check. It's in Rachel's name, though.", I say as I give him the check.
"Don't worry. I can help you get all of her assets transferred over to you. You deserve it, Meredith. You worked hard to get here. Now let's go down to floor E and get you that cure.", he says.
"I don't even know how to thank you, Daddy.", I say with excitement.
He leads me to the elevator and we go up to floor E.
"How's your mother doing?", he asks.
"She's drinking again. That's part of the reason I left. I didn't want to deal with it.", I say.
"I saw that coming, I'm sorry, Meredith.", he says.
"It's okay. I have you to protect me now, right Daddy?", I ask.
"Yes, honey. I'll be watching over you. The vacation house is yours now. Once you get this cure you're free to do as you please. There will be a time that things will change, but you have a while until then.", he says.
The elevator door opens and I follow him into a locked room with a few syringes filled with green liquid. There are also syringes with blue liquid on the other side of the room.
"What do you mean things will change?", I ask.
"You know better than to ask questions like that.", he says in a sharp tone.
He gives me a green syringe in a bag for me to take home. I grin with excitement and joy. I want to ask what the blue syringes are for, but then remember I can't ask questions. What could it possibly be?
"Thank you so much, Daddy.", I say.
I follow him out of the room, up the elevator, and out of the facility back to my car. I drive away as he waves goodbye. I've finally got what I want. I have money. I have the cure. But, what next?
I get back to the house and I take out the syringe. I get an antiseptic wipe and wipe down my shoulder. Well, the shoulder that doesn't already have a bandaid on it. I stick the needle in as I wince with the sharp pain. I inject the green liquid into my bloodstream. I have succeeded. I'm cured. Now, I'm gonna live the life I've always wanted.

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