Prologue: The Destruction

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"Life as we used to know it is over, Ma", the man said. "Nobody is taking this pandemic seriously enough. Why can't people just stay at home? Do they not understand the definition of quarantine? Why are these states trying to reopen so early? DO THEY WANT US ALL TO GET INFECTED!?". His mother replies, "Stop screaming at the damn TV screen for once. There's nothing we can do about it. If our neighbors want to be fools and frolic around the streets of the nation's god damn capital then that's on them. Your father is on a business trip in New York City for god's sake and he still hasn't tested positive for COVID-19. We just need to make sure we stay safe and that's all that matters." The man calmed down and his cheeks turned from bright red back to pale white behind his homemade mask made out of a shirt he tie-dyed in the third grade. His mother walks into the living room with two bowls of chicken noodle soup for their supper. Neither of them like soup in particular, but they haven't been back to the grocery store since they stocked up on supplies the second the U.S government started announcing closures of state economies. They both plop down on the brown leather couches in front of the TV, remove their masks, and pick up their spoons as they attempt to enjoy their soup as they watch the newest episode of The Bachelor. Just as the program starts, it is immediately interrupted and the screen abruptly changes to an announcement from the President:

"During this global crisis, the United States is committed to ensuring the safety of our citizens, protecting those who obey the laws of our land against those who threaten us. Recently, three states, Florida, Texas, and Georgia, have chosen to reopen against federal government orders. They are now experiencing an exponential increase in the amount of new cases and deaths being reported. These states have also threatened to secede from our union and take military action in order to do so. As your commander in chief, I have decided it is necessary to take control of this situation to make sure it is handled properly and effectively. Our response will ensure the safety of the remaining 47 states in our great country, both for national security and to prevent the spread of the disease to neighboring states as a result of these states' preposterous actions. We are one nation, under god, indivisible, and we intend to make sure it stays that way."

Within two weeks, word spread about the shocking nature of the military action that the government decided to take. Nobody expected the entirety of these states to be wiped out by airstrikes and bombings. To make things even worse, the ill leader of North Korea publicly vowed to destroy the United States while on his deathbed. Nobody expected him to actually follow through until, a week later, when another chicken-noodle-soup-and-Bachelor-filled evening was interrupted. This time the message was in writing from the emergency response system for D.C Metro area:


"Ma, this can't be real, can it!?", the man nervously utters. His mom is silent. "Ma?". Still no answer. "We need to call Dad! He would know whether or not this is some stupid prank." Her soup falls off of her lap and spills onto the ground, soaking and staining the new, snowy white carpet they just had installed two months prior. The man walks over to his mother as the screeching beep continues to buzz through the speakers of the television. "Mom, I love you. I am sure this is a false alarm. We're going to be okay, right?". She remains staring at the screen in silence. Almost immediately, the terrifying beep from the broadcast cuts off. His mother finally relaxes her gaze and turns towards her son, looking him in the eyes. He looks back at her. They both then turn their attention to the living room window being penetrated by an overpowering light and subtle humming sound from outside. The light gets brighter and the sound gets louder. Just like that, the man and his mother, along with everything around them, are nothing but ashes.

After hearing the news of the attack from North Korea on the capital, the man's father rushes to his cell phone and attempts to call his wife and son on their house landline as his fingers are shaking and trembling. The phone didn't even ring, so he couldn't even get to hear the cute voice message that they all created together back when his son was eight years old. The man's father sits down in his office chair and starts sobbing uncontrollably. He hears an alert from his apartment living room, and walks into the room from his office to see the New York governor on the screen, looking grief-stricken and ready to make a devastating announcement. The governor stands in front of the podium for two whole minutes in silence with his head down before he begins to speak:

"We must come together today as a state to stay strong in light of a recent attack on our nation's capital. We have lost many innocent lives today. The United States is no longer United by one government. Our federal government has been sabotaged. Our nation is scattered. Our states are split. We must do what we can to sustain ourselves and fight through this time of war and disease. The American states are now 47 independent nations. This must happen so we can all survive. From this point on, we will operate strict borders with minimal travel to other neighboring states. There are to be no airline flights outside of New York. Our governmental policies will be taking on a very strict approach. Everyone is required and expected to follow all new mandatory guidelines set by the New York government. But most importantly, we want to emphasize that during these tough times it is important to spend valuable time with those around you. In a world like this, we all must savor the time we have left. Take care and stay safe."

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