Chapter 5: Sabotage

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"Daddy!?", I say as I wake up in the plane next to Rachel with him sitting right in front of us.
I'm beyond confused. I guess I should've seen this as a possibility. I mean, after all, it's his information that got us to this plane. We're both sitting in seats next to each other across from him. Rachel is still knocked out. What a trip this has been.
"You girls were sneaky. Too bad we saw you guys come in as soon as my backup ID scanned in. We get notifications everytime someone signs into an area. When I saw my face and name pop up, I knew it was you, Meredith.", my Dad says to me.
"I'm so sorry. I broke into your office. I read about the cure. I saw Hawaii and all the routes going there. I brought my friends here with me, although not all of us made it. We had to split up. I wanted to see you, Daddy. I was hoping I'd find you in Hawaii.", I say.
"It's alright, sweetie. I'm here now. I'm glad you made it. I'm sorry I didn't call. I meant to come back for you. We're taking you to Hawaii.", he says.
Rachel finally wakes up next to me. I see that she has a bandaid on her shoulder underneath her short sleeve shirt. On her wrist there's a tattoo of the number "76". What? I look at my own shoulder and I also have a bandaid on it. The number printed on my wrist is "75".
"Hello Rachel, do you remember me? I'm Marcus, Meredith's father. We are taking you to Hawaii as you girls were planning.", he says to Rachel as she wakes up confused.
"Why'd you have to tranquilize us?", she complains.
"Remember now, you two were still trespassing where you shouldn't have. You're lucky they brought you to me. You'll thank me for everything later. I just saved both of your lives.", my Dad says to us.
"What are these numbers on our wrists and why do we have bandaids on our shoulders? What did you do to us?", I ask him.
"Nothing you won't thank me for later. Now let's stop asking questions, girls. You know better than that. Here's what's gonna happen. We'll be landing in Hawaii very soon. Meredith, I've arranged for you two to stay in my vacation home in Makaha Valley, which is less than an hour from the government facility I run in Pearl Harbor. You will be given a car to drive there once we land. I've pulled many strings to get you two access to the facility to be cured, since we have not been able to produce enough to release it to the public. Unfortunately, it's going to cost you money, just like it would be when we release it to the public. Right now the price is at $500,000 per dose. We aren't sure how we can replicate it yet, if at all. That's why it's so expensive. It's extremely limited right now. I understand you all have been saving up money and resources to make it here, I hope you knew this cure wasn't going to be handed to you like candy to a baby. You can come to the facility tomorrow morning at 9AM. That's all I have for now. I will see you two tomorrow.", he says as he leaves us to go back into the enclosed cockpit of the plane.
Does my Dad not care enough about me to give me the cure for free? I understand that puts him in a difficult position, but I'm his daughter. Shouldn't he do this for me?
The plane lands in Hawaii and our car is waiting for us. We begin to drive to the vacation house on the shore that my Dad gave us directions to. Rachel is driving as I sit in the passenger seat staring off into oblivion as millions of thoughts are flowing throughout my head and clouding up my mind as Rachel starts to talk to me.
"Meredith, I don't think I have enough money for two doses. I literally have $800,000 in savings and $50,000 in my checking. We can only get one dose with my money. I don't know what to do.", she says to me.
Hmmm. I wasn't expecting her to even have that much money. I knew she had a lot, but damn.
"Rachel, it's already enough that you're even thinking of me right now. You're the one with the soonest death date, you deserve that cure more than me. I can always wait for when they produce more doses, and in the meantime I'll save money and hopefully it'll be less expensive by then.", I say.
"I guess that makes sense. I'll save money too. Don't worry, you'll get the cure too, Meredith. Whatever it takes, I'll make sure it happens.", Rachel says.
She's right. I will get a dose of the cure. Whatever it takes.

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