chapter 14

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notes: i literally dont know what is going on with jack manifold in the smp rn. feeling: confused. also feeling weird cause i have to write a boy conversation and idk how. and yeah ik george doesnt have a car but for the purpose of the story, yes he does.

Dream lay wide awake in bed on Wednesday morning. Today was the day, he was going to see George and Tubbo today. When Dream's alarm went off, he got out of bed, not even tired. He had been awake all night, thinking. Thinking about what Tubbo would think. Thinking about how his mom was doing.

Dream walked over to his window. It was still dark out. He made himself coffee even though he wasn't tired. It was 5 am. Dream had to leave in 45 minutes if he wanted to make his flight. Dream sat down at his table. He felt uneasy. He felt like this was unreal. He had gotten his covid test yesterday and it came out negative. Dream had secretly been hoping that it would be positive so maybe he could back out of this stupid idea.

His coffee was gone in less than 10 minutes. He washed his dish and put it away. 

Late last night, he spent his time cleaning his house for two reasons. One- he wanted to delay sleeping. If he slept, the morning flight would be there sooner. Two- he had a feeling that this week was going to be stressful, and he was sure he wanted to come home to a clean house.

Dream walked back to his bedroom, trying to calculate what time it would be when he got to Brighton. 

"So if my flight is at 7:00 am, and its a 9 hour flight, it would be 6:00 pm here, which means it will be 11:00 there." He said to himself. "And Toby gets out of school at 2pm? Great. I can settle into George's house then go to Tubbo's in the morning...."

Crap, he thought, I see Tubbo tomorrow.

Dream had finished packing almost everything last night too. He got on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt for his flight. It was December now, and it might not have been cold in Florida, but it would be in England. He brushed his teeth and but it away. Dream gathered some jeans and a flannel into his carry on bag. He wanted to look at least decent when he saw his mom again for the first time in years.

He packed up his laptop in his carry on as well. He grabbed his chargers and stuffed them in there too. Dream hoisted the bag into his bag and gripped the handle on his suitcase. He turned off all of the lights in his house and left the note for Drista.

feed patches 2 times a day please. make sure her water is full too! i'll call every day. don't worry, i'll be back soon -clay

Dream finished the note and set it on the counter. He told his dad he was going out of town, but he didn't tell him where. His dad agreed to let Drista come over each day to feed Patches. Drista suggested that they take her for the week but Cassie didn't like that idea. 

'shes such a bitch' He said to himself when his sister told him that. But, they had worked out another plan, so it was okay.

Dream got in his car and turned it on. He drove to the airport, silently. The sound of his car on the road seemed to calm his nerves a bit. Once he got to the airport, time flew. He felt like he was moving 3x the speed of a normal person. He checked his bags, went though security, and before you know it he was in the air, flying.

Once time caught up to him, he felt tired. I should sleep, he thought, maybe this flight will go by faster.

Dream plugged headphones into his phone and found his playlist that he had downloaded for this trip specifically. He started to doze off while music was humming in his ears.

He woke up when a flight attendant tapped him on the shoulder.

"Would you like breakfast, sir?" Her voice was high pitched with a British accent. Dream thought she sounded like a mouse.

"Um, sure. The eggs please."

When he stopped talking he noticed her expression had changed. "You sound familiar. Hm. Eggs it is then!"

Dream was relieved to have his mask on. He was sure his face was bright red. He hated when people knew his voice and mentioned it in a large area. That had happened a few months ago when some little kid at a store said "Hey he sounds like Dream". Super embarrassing.

His food arrived a few minutes later. Dream scarfed it down as fast as he could. He was super tired and wanted to get some rest before he changes his life forever.

Dream for almost the whole flight. When he woke up, they were starting to land. But there was one problem. He had to use the bathroom. Once they landed, he turned his phone off of airplane mode. He had a new message from George.

'hey im waiting by terminal 3. text when youre almost there'

Dream smiled. No matter what hell he would go through later, he was still with his best friend. He grabbed his carry-o and waited in his chair for the line to leave to become less dense. Once the line cleared, he got off of the plane. The flight attendant was giving him a weird look. He shrugged. Nothing he could do about it.

Dream speed walked ( ha ha funny ) to terminal 3. Once he saw George, his walk turned into a run. 

"Hey! Happy to see me?" George asked.

"Dude, I have to piss, wheres the bathroom?"

George laughed. "Well okay. Uh, my house isn't far if you can hold it."

Dream nodded.

They drove back to Georges house. The ride was silent but Dreams ears were buzzing. Once they were inside, Dream started scanning the house for a bathroom.

"Second room on the right!" George called.

"Thanks!" He called back.

Once Dream got out of the bathroom, he got settled into George's guest room. It was late, and even thought he had slept the entire flight, Dream was tired.

"I'm tired, I'm going to bed." He told George.

George gave him a strange look. "Okay... well be up by 1 if you want to see your mom before you see Tubbo."

He smiled and thanked him for everything. He was lucky to have someone like George. Dream walked back to his room and fell asleep the minute he hit the bed.

the next morning

"Oh my god, Clay." George yelled. "Dude it's 12, wake up!"

Dream sat up and looked around. He sighed and fell back over. george pulled that sheets off of him and yell in his ear.

"Get. Up. Now."

Dream jumped and hit his head on Georges face.

"Jesus, George. That is not how you wake someone up." Dream said. "And by the way, you have a hard head literally and figuratively."

George scoffed. "Whatever. You have to get up. It almost time to leave for your Mom's."

Dream froze. For a minute, he had forgotten about why he was here. His stomach dropped to his feet. "Oh, yeah."

He quickly got dressed and rushed into George's kitchen. George handed him a piece of toast and motioned Dream to follow him out into the car. They rode in silence in the way to Tubbo's house. Dream had gotten a letter from his mom a few years back. He hoped she hadn't moved since then.

Georges car came to a stop. "Go get 'em, Clay."

Dream smiled and got out of the car. He walked up slowly and reached his hand out to knock. He pulled his hand away and checked the time. His phone read 13:45. 15 minutes until Tubbo got home.

Dream reached out his hand and knocked on the door.

His mom answered.


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