chapter 8

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chapter notes: wtf 800 reads? thats so crazy. thank u all <3

"Dad?" Dreams words hung in the air.

He hadn't seen his dad ever since he got his own place. Drista always came over to his house. Never the other way around. Dream thought that maybe a part of him hadn't forgiven him for not fighting harder for mom.

Hid dads eyes looked the same as always. Tired. Green. No expression. The similarities he had with his dad stopped at their green eyes. Dream was much more enthusiastic. He fought for things he wanted. His dad didn't.

"I haven't seen you in so long," His dad said. "You've grown."

It was true. He had grown a few inches since he moved out when he was 18. Dream hadn't felt guilty about leaving him. Only about leaving Drista.

She didn't know that they were only half siblings. Dream couldn't bring himself to ever tell her.

"Yeah. How's {insert dristas name cause we dk it and im not gonna guess or use a random name}?" He asked, trying to make small talk.

"Oh she's alright. She misses you." He said as he started to fill his cart with the bags.

"Yeah." Dream said quietly. He started thinking about Tubbo, and how he would feel if he knew about how Lani and Teagan weren't his only siblings.

"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight. I'm sure her and Cassie would love to see you." His dad said.

Dream winced when he said Cassie's name. She was awful. He hated that he had left Drista with her. Even if that was her mom. Didn't make her any less of a bitch.

"Uh, yeah sure. I'll be there around 5:30." He said without thinking.

Dream rolled his cart out to his car, mumbling to himself.

"why would you say yes? that was stupid of you. so stupid. maybe you can ask about mom. no not there. ugh. why did i say yes?"

Dream started remembering things from his past. The fights. His dad drunk. 

Dream saw himself holding Tubbo, making sure he didn't hear what words shot out of their parents mouths.

He saw himself packing up his stuff at his old house. Watching Tubbo's face as he pulled out of their driveway.

Then he remembered finding him again. He immediately asked him to join the server. He remembered watching the excitement on his face. He had made his brother happy. That's all he wanted.

Dream snapped back into reality and noticed he was just standing outside of his car, looking blankly ahead. He got his groceries in the car and got in. He groaned and sat his head on the steering wheel.

He started driving back home.

'well that was eventful.' He thought to himself.

Once he got home he started putting away the food. Once he was done, he checked his phone. It was already 4:45.

Dream texted Drista, asking for their address.

'omg are you coming over? please tell me you are. i wanna show you my room. i got it redone pls tell me ur coming over.' she replied.

He paused for a minute and thought about what he would reply with.

His phone buzzed again.

'u have reads on idiot, ik u saw that🙄" She sent.

Dream chuckled and replied with a 'just give me the address dris'

Ever since that one stream with Tommy, he had been mostly calling her Drista or some form of that.

She sent him the address and told him he better be coming over. Dream smiled.

He checked the distance from his house to theirs.

27 minutes

'Eh not too bad.' He thought to himself. He calculated that he should leave in about 15 minutes. He didn't want to show up on time. He wanted to be a little late. He didn't want to seem too eager. Cause he wasn't.

Dream put on some jeans and a flannel. Nothing too fancy.

"God, I should take a Xanax." He thought out loud.

He got in the car and called George and Sapnap.

"What's up?" Sap asked.

"I'm going to my Dad's house." He paused. "Yup."

"Huh? How did that even happen, Clay?" George asked.

"He bagged my food at Publix. Then he invited me for dinner. And I said yes."

"Well, shit." Sapnap said. "Is {dristas name} gonna be there?"

"Yeah, luckily." Dream answered.

The three talked until he got to the house. They wished him good luck. Dream said bye and hung up.

He walked up to the door. He hesitantly knocked on the door.

Drista answered.

"Clay!" She wrapped her arms around him. She quickly let go and pushed him back. "Why didn't you say yes or no to my question? You had me nervous, DREAM" She said, taunting me.

He smiled. "Missed you too."

"You saw me 5 days ago." Drista said, dryly. She couldn't keep up her cold act much longer.

She hugged him again and showed him in. Dream's phone buzzed but he ignored it. It was probably Sapnap and George asking for an update.

Drista showed him around. About 30 minutes later, they sat down to eat. Dinner was nice. So was Cassie, surprisingly. Once dinner was over, he and Drista did the dishes. They caught up and talked about the normal stuff.

Dream was sad to leave her again.

"Hey, come over later this week." He said. "We could stream or just hang out.

"Sure!" She said. 

He knew she was excited that he had come home.

Once he got in the car, he turned his phone on to see what he missed. He saw a message from Tubbo on instagram.

It read, "Hey I have a funny story. I actually had a dream about you"

"What was it about?" Dream sent.

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