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Now it was my First day of seventh year at Hogwarts.Me and Draco are still together but, We didn't really see each other over the summer.

My father stayed at the school which means so did I, And well.. Draco went to the Malfoy Manor, he sent me letters.

Telling me how he misses me and how much he wants to see me.I did send some back but it didn't feel the same.

I didn't want to communicate thru letters but, It was the only way I can get a hold of him. Anyways.. I try finding a seat on the train.

I sit next Pansy I ask her where Draco is, "I- I Don't know, why you cant find him" she told me tilting her head to the side.

"No" shaking my head. We let that go and talked about our summer. I told her about Draco sending me the letters and then she told me that she got together with Blaise.

"REALLY I'm so happy for you" I say hugging her. I take a nap on the train.Pansy woke me up when we arrived I get off and made sure my robe wasn't  wrinkled.

I look up and see Draco. "DRACO" I shout and wave. He smiles and waves back, I run and jump him. He catches me and spins me around.

He puts me down, And gently puts his soft lips against mine. " I've been wanting to do that since forever" he blushes.

"I know you have" I smile. After some time we went to the great hall to have something to eat after the long train ride.

Dumbledore does his speech and then we feast. "Hey Babe what did you do this summer" I ask looking over to him.

"About that Aurora can we..talk about...that" Draco said looking at me worried. "Uh sure Draco is everything okay" I say Putting my on his shoulder.

"No not really" Draco said. I look down at my food Not wanting to eat anymore. But I was full so I didn't eat anything else.

Once everyone went back to their dorm. Draco knocked my my door. "Come in" I say finishing unpacking.

"Aurora its me Draco" he says closing the door slowly behind his back. "Hello baby" I go up to him for a hug and kiss his cheek.

"Uh I need to tell you something my love" he says sitting down in my bed. "Well what is it" I say confused.

"Well Please dont get mad or upset. I tried to tell him I didn't want to but he made me. I tried talking him out of it but I couldn't" Draco said crying.

"Draco whats wrong tell me" I say wiping his tears away.

"I love you Aurora and I will protect you no matter what.But I- I lm a deatheater now" he says crying.

"W- What Draco" I say. "I- Im sorry Aurora, im sorry im so sorry"he says leaning on my shoulder. " I- I d- don't know what to say Draco".

I feel horrible for Draco, he's gone thru many things but this one has been the worst. He is now a deatheater.

"Draco everything is going to be okay, im here with you" I say cupping his face.He hugs me tightly, then kisses my neck, I start to cry.

I look in his eyes, put his hair back that was in his face, "Don't cry love" he says lifting my chin up. I wipe my tears away.

"Lets just forget about it" I smile. "Yea let's forget about that"he smiles and puts a strand of hair behind my ear. Then kisses my head.

I go to bed and then admire that at least I was with Draco but, now he's a deatheater and things are soon going to change.


A month later after Draco told me he was a deatheater, I didn't let that bother me. I jump out of bed and get ready for divination.

I hear a knock at the door "come in" I say. "Good morning beautiful",I hear in the distance. I get out of the bathroom.

"Babyy" I hug him and give him a kiss. "You almost done" he says checking himself out in my mirror. " uh yea, but you look to busy" I laugh.

We get out and go to class, while we are walking there, his cold hand touches mine. We find a seat and wait till Professor Trelawney gets here.

He admires me, He then asked me if I was scared. "Scared for what Draco" I tilt my head. "For the future you know, this is out last year and what if we never see each other again" he says looking at me deeply.

"Well I don't think that's going to happen Draco" I say surely." "How do you know" he say grabbing my hand. " I just do" I say sarcastically.

We both laugh and then Professor Trelawney walks in. "Today students we will look deeply into the future" she says walking around the room.

Me and Draco look at each other like crazy but go along with out. Few minutes later our future is ready to be read, Draco goes first.

" well I see a future that is bad but not that bad I will be happy at end of all of it" he lifts up his eyebrows.

"Miss Snape you may go" Trelawney says.

"Well mine says that in the future I will love a long happy live with my soulmate and kids".
"A/n:if you don't want the kid part take it out"

"Ahh lovely, well look at the time Class dismissed" Professor said.

Me and Draco walk out, "you know that soulmate is me right" Draco said very surely. " well lets wait and see if I spend the rest of my life with you" I giggle.

We continue the Days that are ahead of us then the War happens.

"A/N: You guys can make up the war im too lazy😃. But you wont die in the war neither Snape or anyone important in this story.

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