~ t r a i n i n g ~ p a r t ~ 1 ~

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As rewind was doing his little dance, a red laser guy appeared in front of him. He quickly prepared in his fighting stance and nodded his head while smiling. The red laser guy tried to punch him, but rewind dodged it. He quickly grabbed the guy's arm and flipped him over onto his back. The guy in the red lasers suddenly disappeared. 

Now it was guppy's turn. She quickly did a little dance *punch* *punch* to motivate her. She quickly saw the red laser duded and punched him right into its stomach. The red laser dude quickly grabbed her, but she flipped the other way to make it hit the ground. Guppy did several punches towards the dude's face. "Calmate, Guppy!" Mrs. Moreno exclaimed. The red laser dude suddenly disappeared, "Calm down, dear." She continued. 

It was now A Capella's time to shine. She quickly did her motivational dance and began fighting. She quickly grabbed it's arm and punched her arm right into its guts. She lifted her leg onto the laser dude's arm and it flipped over. As she did so, the laser dude quickly disappeared.

As people were training, Missy wanted to try as well. She was walking on the rope when all of a sudden, she felt the urge to fall. "Woah!" she screamed. "I can't do this! Nope! Not for me!"

It was now time for the princess's turn to train. She looked around to see which activity was available, and she saw the beam (rope) was. Y/n quickly called wildcard over to help her train. "Okay, whatever makes you happy." he says. As they go over to the blue rope, they both grab onto the pole that was supporting it on each end. 

"You ready?" Wildcard asks. "You bet I am!" The princess exclaimed. The two both stood up onto the rope and prepared themselves to balance. As they got to the middle, y/n's thinking was interrupted by wildcard. "Okay y/n. I'll go easy on you since you're a princess, so you don't have to worry about... ANYTHING!!" He says, while screaming on "anything." 

While wildcard was still speaking, the princess had already thought of a plan. As he was finishing his sentence, y/n quickly pushed her arms into a motion where a force of air came upon them. It quickly pushed wildcard off the beam and he fell to the ground. Luckily, the beam wasn't too high off the ground, so he probably only fell a couple of inches.

Her eyes widened, as she felt a little bit guilty for the poor boy. The princess quickly jumps off of the beam and holds out her hand to help wildcard. He kindly took the opportunity to pull her down. Wildcard quickly pulled the princess's hand which made her fall right next to him. He suddenly bursts into laughter which made the princess do the same thing.

~Meanwhile with Missy~

Missy was just with her grandmother watching all of the kids train until that moment for her changed. "Okay nieta." The woman says. "Your turn now!" "What? I'm not ready!" Missy exclaims. "But that's how you become ready, by doing it!" The grandma quickly kissed Missy's head as she walked away, while missy was still in shock/confusion. 

~Back to Wildcard and Princess y/n~

They were just laying on the ground, looking up at the sky. It was silent between them though, but the comforting silence. The princess suddenly turns her head over. "Hey wild?" She asked. He slightly tilted his head towards her. "Yeah n/n?" (your nickname) "Can you tell guppy to come?" The princess asks. "I'm exhausted." 

"From what? Hanging out with me?" He teases. Wildcard suddenly starts tickling her and she burst with laughter. "Oh my god Wild!" She yells, still laughing her head off. "Stop, please! I swear-" But he didn't listen. He kept on tickling her, like she was his girlfriend or something. The feeling that they had in between them felt like having the best day of your life, hanging out with your friends, going to Disney World, etc.

"Okay okay!" she yelled, still holding the smile in her mouth. "Please though, I'm sweating." Wildcard quickly smirks while he starts to stand up and get guppy. The princess turned her head to face the beautiful sky once again, before sighing and sitting up. She stands up and goes over to the tree that was near them.

~Wildcard's Perspective~

Wildcard quickly sat up from laying down next to y/n and went to go and get guppy. As he was waking, he saw both guppy and facemaker running into each other while on one of the training courses. As guppy was running one way, facemaker was running the other. "Woah, woah, woah!" Facemaker exclaims. "Wrong way! You're going the wrong way!" 

Suddenly, guppy turns to him and starts going into a shark frenzy. Before she got to him, noodles quickly caught her with his noodle arms. "Guppy stay calm!" Missy yells, but guppy didn't listen. She kept on walking to go over to facemaker while noodles was struggling to keep her away. 

Wildcard quickly noticed and tried to help. He held onto noodles' shoulders to try to keep him stable, but it was no use. Luckily, missy came to the rescue. She ran in front of guppy just as she told her, "Guppy! You're in a shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends!" 

As guppy calmed down slightly, she turned to face missy. "Your powers are useless, if you don't stay calm and focused. Go meditate." Missy scolds. Wildcard realizes that now really isn't the time to go get guppy, so he goes back to y/n.

As he walks back to the beam, he realizes that she was gone. He quickly looks around and sees that she was at the tree instead. Wildcard quickly goes over to her. "Hey y/n?" he asks. Y/n hums in response. "Guppy is... occupied at the moment." He states. "Sorry." 

"No, its ok." she says. The princess walks over to a surface near the beam and floats slightly, while using her air powers to lift her up. "Woah." Wildcard says amazed. She quickly looks around to find the nearest cloud without going up into the air too much. She suddenly finds one and uses her water bending powers to bend the air out of the cloud.

Princess y/n didn't hold the water though, she was actually holding it above her head, as she slowly went down to the ground. She walked over to the tree for some shade. "You might wanna go back a little." She warns. Wildcard nods in agreement and stepped a few steps back. The princess suddenly pushed her arms from near her head, to her sides, as the water splashed onto her. 

As wildcard gasps, the princess kept closing her eyes. As the water finally dripped off of her eyes, she opened them to see wildcard's mouth opening. Some water splashed onto wildcard a little bit so it looks like he was crying, drooling, etc. She suddenly smiles and laughs at the same time. As she was walking over to wildcard, she kept getting closer and closer and closer to his face.

As she did, wildcard's eyes widened. He slightly blushed at the fact that their faces were almost touching. Princess y/n stares into his eyes for a few seconds to tease him. She was definitely gonna mock him for this later. "Stop drooling for me." She says while walking to the other obstacle courses.

Wildcard's eyes widened more, if that was even possible. He quickly shook his head in realization and headed to where the others were. Y/n was at the place where you could fight the pretend laser guys, and she was indeed excited. 

~Regular Perspective~

Y/n suddenly took a deep breath as she prepared for the battle. She suddenly sees more than one laser guy and was a little confused, but was motivated as well. She first took the first laser dude by punching him in the stomach. The princess then grabbed its arm and twisted it to where you couldn't if you were human. The laser dude suddenly falls to the ground, and disappears. "Yes!" she exclaims. 

Now that she succeeded first try, she was determined to fight the rest. Since y/n was now yelling, most eyes were on her. She wasn't looking where she was going, and one of the guys grabbed her from behind. The princess quickly stepped on its feet and punched its stomach once again, which made the laser dude let go.

She took the third and last laser guy by dodging their hits and punches. Princess y/n then held their neck and kneed the guy in the stomach. The guard quickly fell to the ground and disappeared, just like that. "Wow." The princess says. "That was a lot easier than I thought."

"Woah." Noodles says surprised. "She's good!" Everyone started to nod in agreement. Wildcard quickly realized that the princess had potential, not now, but when she agreed with the plan earlier in the vault. He realized that if she didn't agree, than he would've been captured. He was very grateful to meet her. Very.

1513 words 😊

A\N: I actually thought I lost this part, and I literally started crying. 😜✌

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