The beginning

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Authors pov

Amelia woke up feeling happy and cheerful today she felt that something good would happen today.

Today would be the day she finally turned 8 not only that but her parents also told her that they has a surprise prepared for her.

Her parents doted on her alot and they loved her dearly just like any other parent so she was excited for their surprise. She had waited for a week for them to tell her what it'd be she did everything To find out what it is. She begged,tried to act cute she even tried to ask her mother. Although she knew her mother would never tell her but finally today was the day they'd tell her the surprise that her parents have been keeping a secret.

Just as she woke up dozens of maid rushed in her room and the first thing they did was bathe her. As her bath was done the maids changed her night gown into a stunning white dress to make sure she looked her best on her special day.

 As her bath was done the maids changed her night gown into a stunning white dress to make sure she looked her best on her special day

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It looked beautiful with her light ash blonde hair and her eyes that are as blue as the sky.

It was no surprise after all she did take after her mother. The Grand Duchess of Francis was known as the most beautiful girl in the continent. Amelia had her mothers hair and facial features while her eyes were her fathers.

The maids were in awe seeing their miss look so beautiful they were really lucky to be able to serve such a beautiful and kind miss.

Amelias pov

I finally finished getting ready I was informed to go to the dining room as it was time for family breakfast.

I was happily walking to the dining room when I got there my father and mother smiled at me.

I greeted them saying "greetings mother and father it's an honour to be here" I made my way to my seat which was across from my mother.

Both my parents congratulated me for turning 8 I smile at them and thanked them we were all happy and were having a peaceful breakfast until my mother asked.

"So have you found anyone that you're fond of perhaps a boy" she said with a smile

I looked at her shocked trying to process what she just said, I just replied saying

"Mother I'm only 8 I haven't thought of anything like that"

My father mumbled saying "that's good" my mother looked at my father well more like glared at him and my father looked away looking scared.

After that conversation there was an awkward silence I decided to break the silence and asked them what was the surprise they prepared for me.

My mother replied saying "I guess it's time that you know she sighs, A long time ago me and the empress made a promise and that promise was that we would make our children's marry each other if they end up being the opposite gender of one another. As you should probably know the empress had a son the crown prince and I have a daughter which is you, so our surprise was that you're engaged to the crown prince"

I looked at her in disbelief "how could they do this to me" I thought. I looked at my mother who was beaming so I looked at my father who was looking down in shame. I was so shocked that my own parents are making marry a stranger that I didn't even know.

I started tearing up both my parents asked if I was okay I replied saying "how do you expect me to be okay after making me marry a random stranger" they both frowned after I said that

My mother said "you will meet him next week so he won't be a stranger you guys could get to know each other plus the marriage won't happened until you're older"

I replied saying "that's not the point how could you just decide this without my opinion and father why aren't you doing anything about this I thought you said I was allowed to marry and love whoever I want"

He just looked down and frowned I was really mad so I excused myself and went back to my room. I couldn't comprehend what was happening why me I wanted to find love when I was older by myself but now I'm stuck marrying a prince I don't even know

I started crying...

I cried ...

And cried...

Until I I didn't even realize I fell asleep...

(A/n and that's the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed)

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