Part 7

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It was the night of the meeting as Anna staked out the area where the agent paced back and forth with impatience. It had been simple enough to make it look like Caroline had requested to report her findings at this time in order to touch up some last minute details, and they had believed the rouse. Now it was just a mater of waiting appointed time that the agent expected Caroline to make her grand appearance with her skunkette in tow. Speaking of which, she glanced at the two skunkette's that would be vital for pulling off this sting operation.

Sophie had taken remarkable little lime to "brake", but with her mind already flayed by the stressful and sudden turn of events, it meant she offered no resistance to her mental reprogramming. She was now something more akin to a loyal beast, intelligent enough to understand and follow her masters command, but certainly she could no longer think like a human.

Sensing her mistress' lingering gaze a pone her, Sophie trotted over to her and started rubbing her head up and down Anna's leg in an affectionate manner.

It was certainly a stark contrast to Caroline who was standing close by, as still as a statue while staring forward with empty eyes. She had known that Caroline was going to be the more troublesome of the two from the very start. While she knew that she would brake her eventually (the plan was to turn her own obsession of human pets against her), it was going to take a lot longer than 2 months to do so. For that reason she had activated the suppression protocols on Caroline and would be micromanaging her movements. At this point in time she trusted her as far as she could walk on two legs.

"I know this isn't the most ideal situation," she whispered to Sophie as she stroked the skunkette's head, "but its sure bets being in isolation for the rest of your life. That's what my life would have been."

Turning her attention back to agent, she could see that his pacing was starting to become rather animated. That meant that he was reaching the end of his patience. Good. That meant that it was time to act. Using her cybernetic implants, she sent a mental command into the minds of the skunkettes (one of the improvements Archanos had made to the nanotechnology since Anna had taken full control of it). They shuddered slightly before glancing at their new target. A focused look entered their eye's and slowly, slinked into the shadows. The hunt was on.


"Dammit. She's late. What could be taken so long? Adding final touches my ass."

He had had enough. He started to walk back to the car where he would then contact his superiors. They would not be happy about this no show.

A slight rustle from the nearby vegetation made him stop. Turning around, he spotted Sophie as she came out of the shadows.

"Hmph. It's about time you showed up. You better have a good explanation as to this delay Caroline."

When Caroline failed to reply, combined with the fact that Sophie was now circling him like a hunting wolf, the agent started to reach into his pocket for the smartphone device loaded with the remote control program. It was at the moment that Caroline appeared from behind him, and together the two moved around the agent in a clockwise direction.
The agent was remarkably calm for the moment, as if he had been expecting something like this to happen, be it a failure on Caroline's behalf or that she had gotten careless and had gotten herself skunked.

"A shame. Such a bright mind gone to waste. Looks like we shall just have to settle with micromanagement for the moment. No matter. Someone else will take over your work and you will still be of use to use one way or another."

Tapping away at the device, he activated the suppression protocols.

When nothing obvious happened, he repeated the command. And yet the skunkettes still continued to circle him. A bead of sweet was beginning to form. He must have thought something had clearly gone wrong. The nanobots were no longer responding to the devices commands.

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