Part 4

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Caroline had been in deep sleep when was rudely awakened as something landed on top of her. Blinking a few times to clear her vision, she saw that Sophie was on top of her.

"Get off me," she shouted at the latex skunkette as she tried to dislodge her to no avail. Sophie was pinning her to strongly to shake her off. Panic began to flood her mind.

Had the passive mode failed? Looking into Sophie's eyes she realised that wasn't the case. They still had that empty glazed look to them. There was only one explanation, and that filled her with dread.

Twisting her head to the night stand, she looked at where the control device should have been. As she feared, it was no longer precent. Someone had taken it.

"What a fascinating bit of technology you have here," boomed an unknown voice.wisting her head once again, Caroline turned to face the intruder currently leaning against the door frame. While there was some light being emanated from the device, it was not enough to show much more than his silhouette.

"Such a shame you didn't even to both with some kind of safeguard to stop others from using it."

"What do you think your doing? Put that down before you brake it."

The intruder glanced up to look at her, still shrouded in the darkness of the room.

"Please. I am not that careless, unlike some people I know."

Caroline bristled at the insult

"My patron had said that my old associates had been working on something new. Quite frankly this is not what I was expecting. I knew they were starting to get desperate, what with their Bovine acquisition venture being rumbled by the Jedi, not to mention the debacle at the Paragon City emissary, and yet it would seam the Agency thinks whatever this is has potential. I am sure Anna will be very interested in studying this."

That gave Caroline pause. Hadn't that name been mentioned in a briefing she had read somewhere? She had been provided with a lot of documentation when the agency had given her this task and a lot of that had not been important to the project and had just skimmed over it. Now that she thought harder on it, she did recall the agency pointing out one of the non-related documents in particular. A list of names and profiles of certain individuals and something about interference from them.

"Who the hell are you?" she demanded.

The room was suddenly filled with light as the intruder flicked the nearby light switch. Blinking several times to allow her eyes to re-adjust, Caroline finally got a good look at the intruder. The man was a giant, although weather or not that was down to the armour he wore or not she couldn't tell. The face however was what had made her blood run cold. That face was on page one of the document, and not only that, she had heard stories of this man from other colleges. She had assumed that it was all over-exaggerated nonsense, but as of right now, she could no longer dismiss the rumours about him.

"Ahh, so I guess that means you do know who I am after all," commented Demitry Boskove as he observed the terrified look on Caroline's face.

Desperate to save face, she put on the best look of defiance she could muster before retorting.

"Do you really think you can get away with this? They will come for you when they find out what you've done."

"In about 2 months, but by then it will be far to late. I'm well aware as to your current time frame, mandatory update included. We've been keeping tabs on this from the very beginning."

Entering several commands into the tablet, the skunkette suddenly bound off Caroline and trotted a short distance from the bed before stopping.

"As of right now, Arachnos is taking control of this project. All of it resources is now under our control. Data. Samples. Test subjects..."

The sudden movement of the skunkette as she raised tail towards Caroline was all she needed to know what Demitry had implied with that last part. She tried run.

The snap of his fingers was all she needed to know that it was too late. She screamed as the geyser of nanobots hit her head on. Her fate was sealed, both figuratively and literally.

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