Part 5

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The doors hissed open as Anna York walked into the isolation wing of the Arachnos labs. Several emotions were running though her mind. Anticipation, excitement and apprehension being the main ones. A lot had happened since her rescue. Coming to terms with not just the fact she had been turned into a living computer by the agency, but what had happened in the aftermath. Learning of the history of Demitry and their daughter, going through with the upgrades based off of the Red Ribbon Army's android program, and the fact that she was now working for yet another villainous group (although in Arachnos' case, they certainly did not hide that fact). Being back in the lab (and not as the test subject) was therapeutic for her. Where she could apply her knowledge to a project and get on with it with no strings attached. Just like the good old days when she and Demitry used to work for the genetics research lab in Gotham City.

Although this is not exactly what I had in mind for my first main project she thought to herself as she walked up to the observation window and looked down on the containment chambers two occupants.

Inside were two women trapped in what appeared to be a latex skunk suit. One was shaking uncontrollably in fear, her eyes filled with a pleading look, for someone to explain what nightmare she found herself in. A stark contrast to the other one. The glare she was giving was strong enough to melt rocks.

Sending a mental command through her cybernetic devices, Anna brought up the 2 girls profiles and began to study them. The pleading girl was called Sophie. She had disappeared from a coastal area she frequently visited, and had been presumed dead (the reports theorizing she had been carried out to sea and had drowned). Anna couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for her. Yet another innocent bystander who had had their lives inevitably ruined by the machinations of the Agency.

The second girl on the other hand, not so much. Caroline was one of many science lackeys on the Agency's payroll, and the one hand picked to research this latex like substance. Delving into her history and psych profile seamed to suggest that she had targeted Sophie on purpose.

"Yesh," Anna blurted out load. "She has some serious problems."

Anna paused for a moment before chuckling to herself. To be fair she probably wasn't one to talk herself. All those years of being computer mainframe had done a number on mind (and her new upgrades had probably done more). Certainly her morality just wasn't the same, although she could appreciate that she realised that this was the case. For those like Sophie, she would at least make an effort to comfort the poor girl in her own way. For Agency affiliates like Caroline, well they deserved everything they got. As the old saying goes, Kama's a...

The sound a new of the nearby lift opening brought her mussing to a halt. Turning around, she saw Demitry and several other Arachnos personnel walking towards her.

"I take it you have had time to analyse what this is?" asked Demitry

With another mental command, the girls profiles were replace with reports of several old projects.

"You can thank Tanya for this. She was able to dig up all the relevant material I needed, in combination of the additional work the Agency has done."

"That should please Lord Recluse. Very well. Give us the low down."

"Very well. It would seam that the original version of this, was commissioned along with several other projects by the military to, and I quote " reduce unnecessary military causalities occurring in hostile zones" due to falling public support. The "latex" suit we see before us is in fact a skin of nanobots developed by a Diana Casey. The original purpose was to subdue and convert enemy soldiers using the nano-technology to influence their mind and body, using genetically modified skunks as the payload. It would seam that certain issues were encountered, least of all that the biotech company were never able to find a way to remove the nanobots once they had bonded to the target. It was deemed inhumane and funding was cut."

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