Part 2

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It had been a dream come true for Caroline when she had first been approached by the agency. She had always had had a fascination with human pets and their pet suits. The pets crawling helplessly on the ground, muzzled and humiliated as they submitted to their owner. This project was an opportunity of a lifetime, to finally make her twisted dream reality. A chance to finally have a pet of her own, and with the nanotechnology, a pet she would be able to keep permanently.

While she could use any poor fool as the test subject, in her mind there was only one individual that would do. An X-classmate named Sophie. She had all the signs of a submissive when they had first met and Caroline had wanted to make Sophie hers. In the end she had driven her off with her creepy and disturbing advances, something Caroline had never managed to get over (or even admit that it was her at fault). Now she had the means to show her what she was truly missing (whether she liked it or not).

Having already spent time stalking her (and somehow managing to avoid a restraining order), she knew that Sophie regularly spent time on the beach, along a stretch of coast that was often deserted. That would be her window of opportunity to sneak in, get the nanobots on her, and get out with her in toe with no one else being any the wiser. The main issue would be the means of delivery. She couldn't risk applying the nanotechnology to Sophie directly. There was too much risk that she would become "infected" and end up just like her. No, what this required was trickery and slight of hand. Why do something when you could get someone else to do it for you. She would swap Sophie's sun cream with a look alike bottle containing the nanobots. All she had to do now was wait.It was an hour after her arrival to the beach that Sophie finally used the trapped sun cream bottle. She emptied a good potion onto her right hand and began to smear the "sun cream" on her legs. It was only when went to squeeze more from the bottle when she saw the strange black substance coating her hand. From the secret cameras Caroline had set up showed, Sophie was utterly confused as to what as to what precisely it was and proceeded to try and wipe the stuff off her hand using her swimsuit.Confusion turned into panic as not only had she transferred it to her body, but the areas that were covered began to spread to her unaffected areas. It spread down her legs, up her arm, and she could feel her swimsuit being eaten away by it.

Dropping the bottle of "sun cream" she used her unaffected hand to claw off the substance advancing up her right arm, but all that did was allow the nanobots to spread to her left hand, as well as spill some of the bottles contents onto her foot.It was not long before her entire body up to her neck was covered by the substance. That was when the changes began to appear. Her hands began to change into paws, which meant she could no longer use them to manipulate objects.

A similar change was occurring with her feet, but in addition to the paws, her legs structure began to change to the point where she could no longer stand on two feet, and fell down to all fours. A tail began to grow out and within a minute, had taken the distinctive skunk look.

It was at that point that the substance proceeded to engulf her head. It spread over the back of her head, engulfing her hair, matting into a skunk like tuft as ears began to grow from the side. It was at this point that Sophie began to scream, but was shortly silenced as the substance invaded her mouth. It flowed across both mouth and nose, before it stretched out into a muzzle. She clamped her eyes shut, evidently in denial about the whole situation. It would change nothing. The process was complete. When she would open her eyes (the only thing not covered by the nanobots), she would be in the same situation as before. Stuck on all fours trapped in a latex like skunk suit.

Observing through the cameras, she could see Sophie observing the physical changes, completely unaware of the mental ones she now had.

These animal instincts was one of the reasons why the nanobots had been considered a failure. Not only did the affected individuals tented to scamper the moment they were even slightly spooked, more often or not they ended up spraying someone else, causing them to end up in the same situation, and set a "snowball" effect in motion. This had been why she had worked in a mental override into the nanotechnology that would allow her to effectively reprogram Sophie so that such a thing could not spire out of control as it almost had the first time.

"Well," she murmured to herself. "Time to activate the override and go collect my new pet."

With that, she entered a command into her tablet. The effect was almost immediate. Sophie went rigid before falling over unconscious. Now the real tests could begin.

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