Chapter 11

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AN: I made a new cover for this story! Thanks for reading!


(P.S that was my first time using a photoshop-like platform so it doesn't look that good but whatever.)

Dex. Dex. Dex. Was all Constance could think about in class. This Dex person- elf, she corrected, could give her the answers she needed. The day zipped by and Constance paid avid attention to each role call, but zoned out straight afterwards. There was no Dex in any classes, however there were...

"Rex? Lex? Bex? Are the Diznees here?" Lady Gavin, the alchemist teacher, asked, studying her clipboard in hand. It was the last class of Constance's first day of school and she was feeling exhausted. Being only four years old, Constance had, of course, never gone to school. But even if she had been to school, she was sure she'd still be pretty tired because elven academies had to be different from human ones.

But energy zapped through her when she heard the rhyming names and she made a split second decision. While everyone else was flipping through pages in their textbooks, Constance quickly dived into the closest tripplet's mind.

I am SO getting back at them for pranking me! Images of Lex and Rex hanging from a crystal chandelier and being for their sister's mercy made Constance snort. But she quickly passed it off as a cough when Lady Gavin asked her what the problem was.

"There's no problem. I had to cough. I can't help coughing, you know." Constance replied.

"Well, if it was only a cough, I'm sure you could tell us the name of this technique for charting stars. Surely you were paying attention?" Lady Gavin said, giving Constance a hard look.

"It's the S.G.A.I.F technique." Constance replied with a smug look after reading her alchemist teacher's mind. "And it stands for star gazing at its finest. But if you ask me, that sounds a bit like showing off. And how would that even be a technique?" Constance asked sarcastically, pausing to take a dramatic eye roll.

"I will talk to you, Miss Contraire, after class. Now, everyone turn to page 84..."
Constance sighed in annoyance and traced her thoughts back to Bex. Bex was grinning at Constance and wondering if she was a prankster. I guess I could be, Constance transmitted to her, if I can come over to your house. Do you have any other siblings?

Bex widened her eyes at Constance but the word Dex had already filled her mind with an older boy with strawberry blonde hair and periwinkle eyes. Thanks. Constance thought as Bex tried to block her out, unsuccessfully. However, Constance left her mind and hoped that Bex would trust her on this one.

Even if she doesn't, she can't stop me from following her home.


After Lady Gavin gave Constance a very serious talk about the rules of telepathy and Constance had denied everything she was accused of, Constance hurried out to find the Leapmaster.

It wasn't too hard; she just had to follow the steady stream of students exiting their classes. As Constance ran through the crowd of Foxfire prodigies, she noticed some licking their lockers. What the- ew she sneered when someone gagged as if they tasted something rotting after licking it. I'm glad I didn't bother with all that.

She had been assigned a locker, like every other student. But Constance, very unlike every other student, did not even give her locker number a second glance. She doubted she would ever need the textbooks given to her, because it wasn't like she was staying in the Lost Cities permanently. Anyway, she was fine with leaving them to collect dust.

When she finally got to the Leapmaster, she joined the Diznee triplets as they traveled home.

"You!" Bex said, her eyes wide when they got to the icy home.

"Constance, actually." Constance introduced. "And yeah yeah, you're Bex. And you're Rex. And you're Lex. So you must be Dex." She turned to look up at the older boy who was obviously the triplets' older brother.

"Yeah. Are you one of Bex's school friends?" He asked and Constance nodded. "Huh. I've never seen you before."

"Well, it's not like you know every single person in the school. Do you?" Constance said, owning up to her witty comebacks.

"Of course not!" Dex said back, "But Bex usually doesn't bring friends over so... anyway, I'm going to my room to work on something so try not to disturb me." He said to the triplets.

"Okay! Besides, me and Constance are going to my room to chat," Bex narrowed her eyes at Constance. Constance didn't have to read her mind to know what she was thinking.

"Actually," Constance said, turning away from Bex, "I need to talk to you." Dex looked at her confused. "Alone." Constance added under her breath.

"Okay, well, I guess we can come upstairs to the toy room then." Dex said, leading the way. Constance followed, trying not to think about the hurt look on Bex's face.

"So," Dex began as he closed the door behind him, "Who exactly are you?"
"Bex's school friend." Constance responded automatically.

"Yeah, I don't think Bex's school friend would come to talk to her older brother and not her." Dex said, raising his eyebrows. "Who are you really?"

"Fine." Constance said. "Maybe we're not exactly friends and maybe we haven't actually met, but I need your help. Me and Marella were talking-"
"Woah woah woah," Dex said, holding up his hands, "You can't just pretend to be my little sister's friend and then not even say anything to her! And what has Marella got to do with this?"
"Ugh," Constance grumbled, sensing a long conversation ahead of them, "Okay, maybe I was but I have questions that need answers and Marella said you could give them to me."


But constance was already diving right in, "Okay, no more time wasting. Marella said you could hack into Exilium files. She said you're some sort of techno-genius. Point is, I need those files."
"Okay, first off, how come you don't know what a technopath is? Second, why are you trying to get access to Exilium files?" Dex demanded.

"Well I..." After one quick search of his mind, Constance knew she was going to have to tell him the truth. But can I trust him? She didn't know Dex at all. She didn't even know he existed before today. But... Marella told me about him. And I do trust Marella.

"Okay, maybe I'm not... from here." And then, quite reluctantly, Constance told him about meeting the Black Swan (which Dex was a part of) and about her parent hunt.

"Wow... you really don't know who your parents are." Dex said, "Follow me."

Constance followed him up the stairs and into a giant room filled with gadgets and pieces of metal, screws, and other technologies. "This is your room?"
"Yes." Dex jumped over the messy bed to his desk, taking something out of the bottom drawer. "Okay so.... Contraire." He typed in the word and scrolled through Exilium names. "And I see... nothing." He showed her the blank page.

"But-but that can't be possible." Constance muttered, "My parents have to be elves, how else am I a telepath?"

"Wait." Dex said and Constance felt her heartbeat pick back up. "There's no record of a Contraire at Exilium, but... there are multiple humans with the last name." Constance watched him scroll through.

"There!" She pointed to a picture of a man with muted brown hair.

"How do you know that's him? Joseph Contraire?" Dex asked, reading his name off the list.

"Because look." Constance peered at the words beside it. "It says highly classified." 

The Mysterious Benedict Society Meets the Mysterious Miss Fजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें