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Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

"Some relationships are timeless."

In the side tunnel, Harry and Liv raced headlong into the shadows, then looked back to see the snake eclipsed the light at the far end of the tunnel and slithered quickly inside.

Thinking, Harry and Liv ducked into an alcove, and Harry covered his and Liv's mouth, and they waited, desperate to remain still and silent. The snake slid heavily by, then slowed down. The snake's head weaved inside, only inches from Harry and Liv's face. They trembled as the snake's head cocked to the side, then...finally...withdrew.


Harry and Liv dashed back into the main chamber, where they saw Ginny still laying on the floor, looking frighteningly pale. Riddle grinned, cruelly, almost solid now. "Yes, Potters. The process is nearly complete. In a few minutes, Ginny Weasley will be dead. And I will cease to be a memory. Lord Voldemort will return. Very much...alive," Riddle said. Harry tried to move toward Ginny, but suddenly, the Basilisk shot out of the tunnel, hissing directly in front of Harry, as Liv pulled Harry back.

Trapped, Liv glanced around, then, impulsively, leaped upward, and began to scale the statue of Salazar Slytherin. "LIV!" Harry yelled as the serpent striked Liv madly, but Liv continued on, climbing boldly until she reached the top.

In a worried, and deprate matter, Harry turned and saw the Sorting Hat nearby, saw what glittered within: the ruby handle of a sword. He wheeled it, sword in hand, and eyed it in awe. He then looked back at Liv, who was about to be strike by the serpent. "LIV!" Harry yelled and Liv looked at him. "CATCH!"

He threw the sword at her, and Liv caught the sword by it's handle. She stared at it in awe, and that she was able to catch it. She then fended off the slashing serpent like St. George and the dragon.

In a mad rush of courage, she pitched herself onto the serpent, and slid down it's back, while Harry stared at her in worry, then she rolled up, sword raised. Liv ran over to Harry, in deep breaths as Harry examined her to make sure she was not injured. But, too tired to run anymore, Liv simply waited with Harry. The serpent rose and, fangs bared, stiked.

Marshalling every ounce of strength left in her, Liv drove the sword upward, deep into the roof of the serpent's mouth. It hissed in pain, thrashing madly as it drove a fang into Liv's arm. "NO!" Harry yelled as Liv clutched her arm in agony, then she stumbled back, falling into Harry's arms. He leaned down, holding his sister in her arms, as Liv watched the serpent trashed briefly, then went still.

Liv peered down, to see the fang that pierced her arm, the blood soaking slowly into her robes. "Harry," Liv muttered weakly, tears stinging her eyes.

"Liv, this will hurt," Harry whispered before he yanked the fang free, and she yelped in pain. The fang on the ground, Harry held his sister tightly, combing her hair while Liv breathed heavily, Riddle stepped forward, almost fully whole now. His eyes shined at the sight of Liv's wound while Harry glared up at him.

"Remarkable, isn't it? How quickly the venom of the Basilisk penetrates the body? If you have any final words, Potter, you'd best speak them now. I'd guess you have little more than a minute to live," Riddle said and Liv blinked heavily, tears about to spill from her eyes. Harry looked down at Liv again, and saw as the skin of her forearm turned a troubling grey.

"Harry...I can...I can feel it-" Liv whispered, trembling.

"Save your energy," Harry whispered, tears developing in his eyes.

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