11.) Midnight Adventures

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“So he just… attacked your face?” Libby asked skeptically.

I sat down on my bed and threw my dress into the dirty laundry. “Yeah. Well, no.” I tried to explain to Libby what had happened with Kale. We were both in my room, lounging carelessly on my bed and waiting for Andy and Elle to arrive for a girls’ night. “You see, there was a… a spider.”

She raised her eyebrows amusedly at me and let me continue.

“A poisonous spider. And the spider bit my lip. Kale was just nice enough to try and suck the poison out of my lip.” I told her. “It worked, because clearly I am still alive.”

“That’s one of the oldest excuses in the book, Holls.” Libby laughed. “And anyway, if he was sucking poison out of your lip, why was your tongue down his throat? And did the spider bite swell in Kale’s pants? Because that image will forever scar my poor, innocent mind.”

I rolled my eyes. “Oh, you dated Nick Embry for three weeks last year, your mind isn’t that innocent.” I told her.

“We only made out. Heavily too, but I never saw his… thingy.” She said, a blush creeping onto her face.

“How can you be so blunt when we aren’t talking about you. But when we’re talking about your sexual escapades, it’s all hidden and embarrassment?” I asked with raised eyebrows.

She shrugged. “That’s how I roll.”

I chuckled and we waited for Andy and Elle to get there, only taking another five minutes. I was dressed in a black tank top with Eeyore pajama shorts, Libby had on a tight t-shirt and red plaid pajama bottoms. Andy was wearing one of Tommy’s shirts with shorts and Elle had on a tank top and polka dotted pajama pants. Basically, we all had on cozy pajamas and we were ready for a lazy night of girly babble and gossip. And food.

“So when are you going to tell us that you left Tommy’s party so you could have a heated make out session with Kale?” Elle asked with raised eyebrows as we made our way into the familiar home theater that was up a level in the house.

“I-I didn’t!” I shrieked in denial. “I got attacked by a rabid, poisonous spider.”

“Darling, that is one of the oldest lies ever.” Andy chuckled.

“That’s what I said!” Libby agreed.

“So are you guys finally back together then?” Elle asked.

I sighed and shook my head, giving up on my lie. “No.”

“Then… why’d you kiss?” Andy asked curiously as we made it up the stairs an own the right hallway.

I shrugged. “I don’t know! He was all ‘I’m an ass, but I love you and I’ll make it up to you.’ And then I was all quiet and then he was like ‘If you don’t talk, I’m going to kiss you.’ And I still didn’t talk and then he leaned towards me and he kissed me and I kissed him and then Libby interrupted me and it was crazy and confusing and I don’t know what to do or how to feel and it’s really freaking me out.” I ranted.

“Well first, you need to calm down.” Libby told me and we turned the last corner into the theater. My eyes automatically landed on the black chair in the front that, a year ago, Kale had made me his girlfriend. The start of it all. It was in this room.

“And then what?” I asked.

“Talk to him.” Elle chirped simply. “Don’t you want him back?”

“Well, yeah.” I mumbled and we all rearranged the first row of black recliners so that we were all able to snuggle together in one big mess during the movie- which we decided would be 500 Days Of Summer.

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