22.) Bonfires

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“Hurry up!”

“Will you be quiet? We are hurrying!”

“Well hurry faster.”

I rolled my eyes. “Gah, boys.”

“They don’t understand.” Andy mumbled, leaning against the sink in her bathroom as she rimmed her eyes with eyeliner. Andy was wearing a fancy-looking crème colored dress with a thin brown belt and the bottom was in layers and cut in jagged lines.

Libby nodded her head in agreement as she made the last touches on her hair. She was wearing a gorgeous blue dress with a gold braid that worked as a neckline and a thin matching gold rope wrapped around the waist and tied in a bow in the front.

The guys were in front of Andy’s closed door as they continued to hound us to hurry up or we’d be late for our own party. The bonfire was today, because today was the Fourth of July and we’d been getting ready all morning. I had on a tight blue dress that criss crossed in the back and flowed a little below mid-thigh. I glossed my lips lightly as we all fought for the small mirror.

“Go down without us.” Emily called, fixing a wrinkle in her dress, which was a tight black dress with holes on her shoulders that were rimmed with golden beads.

“We can’t go without you.” One of the guys said on the other side.

“Why not?” Elle countered in her egg shell colored dress. It went over her left shoulder and the neckline was rimmed with light ruffles. There was a thick silky brown ribbon tied around her waist.

“Because we just can’t, so hurry.” One of them grumbled. I wondered who was outside that door, probably not Jackson since Jenna wasn’t in the bathroom with us, neither was Carrie so I don’t think Ryder was there. Probably just the twins, Isaac, Kale, and Tommy. Emily had admitted to liking Jarrod, and Jarrod makes it clear that he likes Emily, but they decided that they weren’t actually going to try dating since Emily was leaving to go back to Iowa tomorrow. Sad, I know.

“Fine, we’re ready.” Andy declared when we were all standing away from the beloved mirror and ready to exit Andy’s room.

We all made our way to the door to see that it was only Isaac and the twins standing outside the door with impatient looks on their faces.

“Let’s go.” I chirped.

“It took you guys long enough.” Jarrod mumbled as we walked down the hall.

“Oh, hush.” Emily said, gently pushing into Jarrod’s side.

Brendon and Libby were walking hand in hand and I couldn’t help but realize how cute of a couple they were. They were always holding hands or smiling at each other. It was cute.

Once we got out to the yard, I could see that we really were late because the yard was full of people dancing to music and eating over at the food table. It was seven at night, so the sky was dimming and the people Jackson hired to help with the bonfire were setting that up in the football field behind the pool which was full of people at the moment.

We all had on our swim suits for the pool- because after that one night, I’ve been swimming in it like there’s no tomorrow, even the hot tub. Did you know there’s bubbles in there?!- but I don’t think we were going to swim. My dress looked super cute.

“We’re going to go dance.” Libby announced. I waved her a goodbye and then she had disappeared into the crowd with Brendon by her side.

“I guess we’ll go dance too before it gets too dark.” Elle sighed, dragging Isaac away from us and Emily soon followed with Jarrod.

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