Chapter 5 - Michael Myers

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Sweat, blood and fastened breaths. The way Jake's heart was beating out of his chest like a jackhammer, the sudden exhaustion of trying not to faint, black tinging at the edge of his vision. The presence of this... This man, this killer, was bringing out a pure animal instinct in Jake to run. But like a deer in headlights, frozen to the impending doom of ever looming death.
The shape takes a slow step forward, stalking even though his prey is within his grasp. Jake wills his legs to move, wills himself to anything but his body is no longer responding. Jake's legs give out, melting onto the floor. Navy, blood-stained pants obscuring his vision, he lolls his head back and stares at the killer that would take his life. But what was life? The question always playing in the back of Jake's mind; these games made the question irrelevant, nothing but a memory to what was and what will never be. Life was a construct, a lie. Staring at this killer; no this man, that is used for something else's sick game. We were all the same. Trapped.
Jake was ripped from his thoughts when Michael suddenly reached and placed his hand around Jake's throat, the calloused pads of his fingers sliding around his pale neck. Slowly crushing his windpipe as the man lifted him, his feet grazing the floor. Jake gasps and grasps at the hand like a lifeline. Michael raises him until they are face to face, the empty pits that are Michael's eyes stare right through Jake. In the corner of Jake's vision the glint of the knife flashes in the light of the passing moon. It glides past his abdomen, towards his collarbone and gently stops at the hollow of his throat.

Jake swallows, the point of the knife pressuring his oesophagus; not enough to break skin. Moonlight engulfs the room, the shadows slowly moving across Michael's mask, the dark pits of his eyes lessen revealing a scared and milky iris, and as soon as it was there is was gone again with the passing of the moon, consumed by the deepening shadows of his mask.
Jake thought that they'd been in this position for more than necessary but something made Jake feel like this the way it was supposed to be. A feeling of being possessed, being used. Michael seeming to know what Jake was thinking he squeezed his throat harder, making the breath leave his body, his brain beginning to shutdown from lack of oxygen. Jake finally beginning to struggle against the unforgiving pressure. Jake scraps at Michael's forearms.
"What do you want from me?" Jake wheezed. The death he thought that would happen swiftly didn't come, Michael pulled him closer, hot breath seething through the expressionless mask, but not a word was uttered. Pain flashed across Jake's collarbone, not noticing the knife removing itself from his throat. Jake cried out as Michael carved across his upper chest, the searing pain making Jake foam at the mouth, both the lack of oxygen and the unbearable pain leading to the shutdown of Jake's brain.
Smoke and shadows began to surround both men, the Entity's dark magic etching itself into the open wounds being written into Jake's skin. His Blood boiling beneath the surface, his shrill scream piercing the air, hot tears mixing with blood running down his chest. Time felt like it stopped, that this moment would last for infinity.

A flash of dirty blonde hair suddenly flashed behind Michael and the figure of Laurie leaped from the doorway clasping herself around Michael's midsection, making him loose his grip on Jake's throat. Jake dropped like a bag of bones to the floor, the world fuzzy; everything was numb but painful at the same time. He could make out the figures of them flailing, Michael trying to dislodge Laurie but failing. Another figure sneaking past them to the generator that he failed to complete. The figure suddenly turns to him and talks to him but Jake can only hear static. The figure turns away and spins around to Laurie who is yelling at them. The burry figure turns back and sets to work fixing the generator. Jake's vision is slowly coming back and realises that its David. He's sweaty and covered in grime. His hands shaking but not missing a beat to fix the generator. The generator lights up, a message flashes across his minds eye.
All the generators were done, we could all escape. But Jake couldn't move, his body was recovering. Laurie yells at David.
"Quickly grab Jake and get the fuck out! I'll distract Michael for as long as I can!"
David doesn't argue and moves towards me.
"Jake I need you to hold on to me man." He tried to lift himself but it felt like his blood had turned to lead. Jake tried to speak.
"Can't... move... I... sorry." Jake slurred not able to pull a full sentence together. David groaned but proceeded to lift Jake into his arms and threw him over his shoulder. He grunted.
"Jesus Christ. For a fucking twink, you're fucking heavy." Jake wheezed out a chuckle.
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Without a second to adjust, David was out the room and dashing down the stairs, crashing out onto the street following his radar to the exit to escape this hellhole. The houses fading into the distance as David ran into the thicket of the forest. He spun suddenly to the sound of a scream, the house they left in sight, the image of a bloody Laurie jumping from the second story window, the nightmarish image of Michael Myers glaring from the window; disappearing to descend the stairs. Fear prickled the back of David neck, an almost unconscious Jake on his back. He turns back and runs to his internal radar to the open exit. The forest thicket scratching his arms and face, the weight of Jake cramping his shoulder.
David stopped to catch his breath, laying Jake down carefully against a tree. Jake's breaths were coming out in short gasps, he was sweaty and feverishly pale. David noticed a patch of shirt that was soaked with blood, he pulled the shirt down and gagged at the mess that was Jake's upper chest. But what made David sick to his stomach, was the word that was etched into his skin. David zipped Jake's jacket up over the wound, not wanting to think about it.

David's hackles rose, he spun round searching for the danger, but there was nothing but forest; didn't mean there wasn't anything there. He turned back and lifted jake back over his shoulder. Jake whined in pain.
"Hold on mate, we're almost there." David took off, swerving through trees, dodging branches. David Kept running until he saw the escape glowing in orange light. he almost cried with relief but that was short lived when he was knocked off his feet. Both him and Jake knocked to the ground by The Shape, Michael, knife in hand ready to take the life he needed for sacrifice.
Michael turned his head staring at the feverish Jake and made a be-line for him. David moved and tackled Michael to the ground.
"Have to go through me first fucker." David said. But Michael grabbed David's arm and proceeded to break it. David's screams filling the forest, he tried to drag himself to Jake but Michael stabbed deep through David's thigh into the ground, pinning him to the dirt. David crying out in agony. He thought that this was the end, but it never came. Michael didn't care about David, he wanted Jake. Michael stared at the feverish Jake, as he whined from pain that Michael had inflicted on him, it thrilled him. He stepped towards Jake. But once again he was stopped. Laurie appeared from where she was hiding and stabbed a piece of glass into his shoulder, Michael growled. Annoyed. Trying to dislodge the glass. Laurie proceeded to run circles around him, slicing him with another piece. Laurie while distracting Michael again saw David rip the knife from his thigh, yelling out in pain, but he lifted himself up with his good arm, gripping the knife, survival intent in his eyes. He looked at Jake then Laurie. Laurie understood. She stopped running and tripped a disorientated Michael. She ran and held Jake up and dragged him to the exit; a hand grabbed her ankle, Michael was not going to give in, but neither was Laurie or David.

David half launched himself at Michael, knife in hand, stabbing his back. Michael released Laurie, she made a mad dash for the exit, the sound of the two men wrestling on the forest floor. Laurie crossed the threshold of the escape. Safe. She turned, David was pinned under Michael, pulling his knife from his back with a grunt. David turned to Laurie, he was out of fight, they were safe. He smiled. Michael stabbed the knife into David's stomach, twisted it up splitting his breast plate apart. David wheezed in agony. Michael tore the knife from the survivors chest, turning his head, staring at Laurie as he slit the man throat, blood spraying across his ashen mask. A promise. By the time David had died, Laurie and Jake were gone.

Hey guys, I'M ALIVE!!!! I hope this chapter makes up for my lack of being present, but I was feeling motivated today and this is what I came up with. I hope the ending of this chapter didn't feel too rushed. But that's up to you guys. Also please enjoy the unnecessary tension between Jake and Michael 🫣 Anywho until next time BYEEEEEE!!!!!!

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