Chapter 4 - Lumpkin Lane

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No one spoke. No one even dared to breathe, the air was thick with tension that you could taste the fear emanating from the huddled survivors. Jake's mind was racing, this new killer would be a challenge but with Laurie in the mix, they had a slight advantage. But not by much. He sighed.
"Right; even though everyone doesn't enjoy the fact that we have a new killer in our midst, we have to look at the upside." David scoffed.
'Here we go again.' I thought in dismay. I turned my eyes towards David.
"Have something to share David?" I sneered. I was done with his bullshit. David suddenly became self aware that everyone was now looking at him. But being David he sat up straighter and held up his chin. A challenge.
"Yes, oh mighty leader. I have something to share."
"DAVID!!" Meg  exclaimed, likely astounded that David had the nerve.
"No Meg, this is complete bullshit! We have a new killer and a new location, and 'Mr everything will be ok' is saying there is an upside to all this. I will say again, What is good about this situation? Oh mighty leader." David even did a mock bow at he end of his little rant.
I mentally and physically couldn't deal with this right now, I honestly couldn't perceive how blind and arrogant David was. Suddenly Laurie was laughing. A full on belly laugh, everyone turned towards her and was worried that she had finally lost her mind. David gave her an incredulous look.
"What do you find funny in this moment you old broad." Laurie stopped laughing instantly and faced David with a fierce look.
"Now look here you arrogant piece of shit. I don't find this situation to be funny at all, this is a serious matter. What I do find funny is that you have the guts to try and humiliate the only person in this entire group that has a good sense of what is going on."
"DON'T YOU DARE INTERRUPT ME!! I MAY BE A FEW YEARS OLDER THAN YOU, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WON'T BEAT THE EVER LIVING SHIT OUT OF YOU!" Laurie's voice thundered throughout the camp. David was in disbelief that; I shit you not, he stayed silent. Laurie huffed in satisfaction.
"Now that that's out of the way. I know everyone isn't pleased with this new development, but I've been against Michael more times than I can count. I know his weakness' and blind spots." The survivors conversed between themselves. Jake stayed silent, lost in thought. A sudden chill ran up the length of his spine. He turned skywards and watched the moon. His expression turned serious, they were out of time. He sprung to his feet.
The survivors were confused about his sudden change in demeanour. Until they saw the moon turn its crimson red, a warning, an omen of death.
"Looks like we're going into this one blind guys."
"Why? What's happening?" Laurie observing everyone's weariness. She finally turned her gaze to the blood moon above our heads.
"What does it mean?" I turn my body to face her. My body portrayed like a high strung spring. I dare to speak.
"It means certain death to us."

. . .

Everyone stood like statues. Waiting for the tell-tale signs that the chosen survivors had been selected. Everything was motionless, everyone's aura filled with dread. Jake suddenly felt the indescribable pressure of the Entity's presence worming its way into the back of his skull, heaviness sinking into the souls of his feet, the stench of cold death surrounding his every sense. Jake looks around the camp fire, not sure who else was joining him in the inevitable slaughter. First trials with a new killer always ended with everyone dead in the dirt, more traumatised than the last. If you were lucky you'd find the hidden hatch before the killer could find you. It doesn't  happen as much as we would like. I was sincerely hoping that with Laurie we'd get information on this new killer before getting thrown into the deep end, but time and the Entity were all against us.

Laurie was looking around confused. Unaware. Her eyes flick towards mine, searching for answers. I give her a forced smile.
"See you on the other side." Laurie tries to reach for me but the inky fog envelops my body, distorting my vision, choking my airways. The fog drops me unceremoniously onto rough pavement. I groan, willing my body to get up and start moving.  Crouching on the tar pavement I stare at the new location. This location was different to any other location that I've seen before. The locations that I've run around in mainly consisted of forest or rough terrain areas but never anything that resembles an urban neighbourhood. A light fog coated the streets, abandoned police cars in the middle of the street, houses stretching along the pavement, white picket fences. This all was strange and foreign to Jake. Strange in the fact that he hasn't heard any sounds that tell him that the killer was around. No heartbeat. This unsettled Jake.

But he was leaving himself vulnerable, out in the open with no cover. He moved, crouching down behind a police car, he scanned the area, his eyes landing on the hook that sat next to him.
'Not the place to be at the moment.' Jake thought. The house across the street was emitting a soft glowing light from the upstairs window. He recognised that familiar light.
'A Generator!' He made a dash for the house across the street. Before going through the doorway the hackles on the back of his neck rose. Jake spun round looking across the terrain. Dread sat at the bottom of his gut like a rock. In the corner of his eye he saw someone dash across the street. David. Not the person I was expecting to see but someone was better than no one. I creak through the mostly empty house, the interior was giving off late 70's vibes but in an abandoned way. I take the stairs two at a time reaching the generator sitting in a lone corner. I get started, rewiring they damn thing. As I'm fixing the generator everything's quiet, the clink of spare parts and slight sparks were the only sounds that filled my ears. They strained to hear anything else. Why is it this quiet? It's not natural.

A scream pierces through the streets, causing me to touch the wrong wires. The generator threw sparks burning my hands. I hide under the boarded window, my position compromised. I bandage my burnt hands, the sting making them shake. Suddenly the sound of shuffling feet on pavement can be heard. I cautiously peer out of the window. Meg. She's injured but I can't see the killer. Other than Meg the small town was deathly quiet.
"This is beyond strange." But I can't continue to waste time, no one else has finished any generators. Better to get one than none. I fix my mistake and use the left over spare parts to fix the generator. But again the silence is short lived, i hear Meg scream in agony again. I stare through the window. My breath get caught in my throat. A towering figure grasps Meg by the throat, choking, no squeezing the life from her small frame. But instead of carrying her to the hooks, he raised his massive forearm and proceeded to plunge the biggest kitchen knife into her gut. Her eyes bulge out of her skull, blood dripping from her abdomen. The killer slides the knife out of her gut but stabs the same place again, and again, and again.

I didn't want to witness her death, but the screams that resounded through the streets, her guts slowly leaking from the hole that gapes bigger with every stab. Soon enough she is dead a look of pure agony etched onto her corpse. A single tear rolls down my cheek.
'What the fuck. What the fuck! WHAT THE FUCK?!' This was one of the most single handedly fucked up things i had ever witnessed. My breath coming out in short sharp breaths. My eyes refocus, Meg's mutilated corpse lay in the street, but where did the killer go? Panicked I search the street for the massive figure but he's gone. I stiffen. The air around me becomes hard to breath, I finally hear my racing heart beat, my body not complying with my screaming brain. The creak of something behind me sends a shiver of dread up my spine. I slowly rotate my head towards the door. I look up.
Bloodied navy overalls stretch over a muscled frame. The obscenely huge knife clenched, ready to attack. A paste white mask with wispy brown hair, and dark hollow eyes that swallowed surrounding shadows. It was him. Michael. 

Hey guys, I'm so sorry for the wait for this update. I know many of you waited patiently and you shall receive! Again so sorry, I am trying to find a rhythm for completing chapters but its 2022, life still isn't going right, but i shall persevere and try to punch out more chapters (be prepared to be disappointed:(  )  Anywho keep sending lots of comments and votes or just enjoy the story. BYEEEEEE!!!

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