Chapter Three - Laurie Strode

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Noise. Commotion. Why the hell was everyone up so early? Now, that's another thing, time is strange here, the sun doesn't exist, it's always night. The moon is always hung in the sky like an ornament, never changing. The moon never phases with the passing months as it should. It's like the universe itself decided to stop and take a vacation. But I know that's a bunch of bullshit. Several of the survivors still had watches, so we're able to tell the time but predicting what day, of what year is a bit harder.

Back to the main event. I was sleeping, getting some much-needed rest before I heard the scuffling of feet and some of the other survivors talking in hushed whispers. I decided to pretend to be asleep for a little longer, listening in on a conversation between Dwight and Ace.

"We should wake him." A nervous voice saying. Dwight.

"No. Let the kid sleep for another minute." Ace clearly. He always had a soft spot for Jake, not that he would let it show as often as Jake would like.

"Ace, this is no time for sleep. A new survivor has been chosen and we don't know what that means. We need Jake's opinion on this."

"Look Dwight, I know Jake's your best friend and you probably have his best interest in mind. But you have to remember that every time something new happens, we don't always have to go to Jake. He's already got enough bullshit to deal with and pushing the leadership roll on him will only make things worse." I scoff silently. He wasn't wrong; just because he was one of the first survivors, shouldn't already place him as the leader. It was a whack system. When I'm around everyone I can see leadership in each one of them, just in different aspects. There shouldn't be one leader to guide a group of survivors to their possible deaths. He couldn't deal with that thought.

Dwight sighs, frustrated.

"Look Ace, I understand that- "

"Do you?" Dwight gives his best glare.

"-But we need everyone's opinion on the matter." There's silence for a short while, they're probably doing that stare-off thing. Between Dwight's unwavering resolve and Ace's Italian-breed stubbornness, you'd think it'd be like those movies where they passionately kiss. But he knew that was not going to happen. Dwight had a thing for David and Ace was as straight as a rod. He almost chuckled at how absurd his thinking was at the moment. Another frustrated sigh breaks the tension.

"Fine. Wake him up, just don't crowd him." The Italian walks away. Dwight huffs, victorious. Well, it looks like my rest is about to be ruined. I feel a hand shake my shoulder.

"Jake, buddy, you have to wake up." Now, this where people would be dramatic and snort awake or take one look at the person and go straight back to sleep. But there honestly no point in the endeavor. I roll onto my back and open my eyes, staring up at the starless sky.

"Yeah, I'm up." I sit up and scratch the back of my neck. Nervous habit.

"What's going on Dwight." Lying through my teeth.

"Come on, we'll talk on the way."

We walk at a leisurely pace, Dwight filling me in on the new survivor issue. Now, when I first arrived here, I had no idea how I got here. But as soon as new survivors started coming in, it was a startling discovery. We rise out of the ground as if we were awakening from death. It was very unnerving. We got over it eventually because it's also the way we come back after if we're sacrificed to the Entity. But that wasn't what had my hair standing on end. We as a group haven't had any new survivors for the past year.

Dwight and I made it, to the place where the other survivors were hanging around the unconscious body. I pushed my way through them. In front of me was a middle-aged woman, her hair a sandy brown, her face peaceful as she laid there unconscious. My eyes skimmed over her body checking for any injuries. Nothing.

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