a creep

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TW⚠️: kidnapping, swearing.
words: 777

My boyfriend and I wanted to go to the mall today, I mean we go a lot but in my defense...theres no excuse I just really love going to the mall. So we got up around 10:30 am today because if we wait too long the mall will be packed with people. It is now 11:00 am and im picking out my outfit.

"Louis!! what should I wear?" I yell across the house hoping he'd hear me. a minute later louis comes in with his shirt half way on from trying to rush. He quickly pulled down the shirt and walked over to me. "what do you need darling?" he asks wrapping his hands around my waist

"well I was wondering if you could pick out an outfit for me?" I ask

"of course love, but go in the other room because you always diss my outfit picking skills."

hes not wrong so I just walk to the living room waiting for him to pick my outfit. i knew what he was going to pick because i've never worn it but he loves it. "come here!!" i heard louis yell from the other room.

he held up this outfit with pride:

he held up this outfit with pride:

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"but louis-" i try to say

"no buts! your wearing this! it looks stunning on you darling" he said holding the dress up to me

"okay fineee" i say dragging out the 'e'

"perfect" he kissed my cheek and left the room. i quickly got dressed and did my hair. "okay done!" louis came running in and stood in the doorway. "you look hot" he smirked while walking towards me

"louis!" i say slapping his arm

"what?" he said before kissing me lips lightly.

after our sweet moment we grabbed our things and left, louis is driving because i only have my permit. we get in the car and start driving to the mall which is about an hour away. we listen to mostly Harry Styles on the way.
~time skip~
"we're here!" he said whilst unbuckling

"finally!" i say getting out of the car.

i get out and louis looks at me and pouts. "what's wrong lou?" i ask tilting my head slightly

"lovely, i was supposed to open your door" he says walking over to me.

"sorry" i say kissing his cheek. we hold hands walking into the mall and our first stop is 'Pacsun' and it's like my favorite store but there so expensive. we make it too Pacsun and we walk in and see a group of guys and girls laughing in the corner of the store.

we ignore them and go to my section and start looking. louis walks over to the guys section and browses there clothes. shortly after louis walked away a guy walked up to me and slapped my ass. i quickly turn around and back up. "hey mamas, what's a pretty girl like you doing alone" he says

"thank you but i'm not alone" i try to walk away but he pulls me back. i try to escape his grip but he's too strong so he covers my mouth and try's to drag me out of the store. i try to scream but it's muffled from his hand. i see louis paying no attention to us so i try to yell his name but it's very faint.

we made it out of the store but as soon as we try to turn a corner i see louis running towards us. i was crying at this point but no one cared. louis approached us and tried to grab me.

the guy takes his hand off my mouth and i take the chance to talk "louis! please!" i get out of his grip and run into louis arms and cry quietly.

"what the fuck is wrong with you man" louis questioned the guy

"she tried to get with me bro, you know she's probably a hoe" the guy said

louis almost punched the guy but i stopped him. "lou it's okay leave it, he's not worth it" i say and we walk away. "who was that guy?" louis asked

"i don't know lou! but he slapped my fucking ass"

"that's it i'm done, come on y/n" he says grabbing my arm turning around

"louis please stop let's go, please!"

"he can't treat women like that!" he says

"let's go home love" i stopped him the best i can and he agreed.

we left the mall and drove home, we got starbucks on the way home. we arrived home and watched a movie whilst falling asleep on the couch.

i love you guys🖤

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