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i woke up with louis' arms wrapped around my waist and i could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. i tried to turn over but louis grabbed my waist tighter. so i just decided to lay there a while longer.

a couple minutes later my stomach started cramping horribly it felt like someone was stabbing my lower abdomen over and over again. two thoughts immediately came to mind, either i'm pregnant or it's my period. 'oh no'.

i took louis' arms off my waist and practically jumped out of bed. i ran to the bathroom and checked 'my period' great this was just what i needed. i cleaned up in the bathroom and quickly went back to my room to see if it got on the bed. thankfully i hadn't, i had selvaged myself in time.

i was in too much pain to go back to sleep but i did decide to lay down. i've gotten my period before but my cramps were never ever this bad. they were really bad this time. i didn't want to cry but i couldn't help it, i held my stomach in pain and began to cry quietly.

louis woke up and looked over at me crying. "hey, hey what's wrong?" louis asked as he began to rub my back.

"i'm having horrible cramps" i said weakly.

"why didn't you tell me?" louis said carefully getting out of bed.

"where are you going?"

"to the store, what do you want love?" he asked grabbing his sweat shirt and putting it on

"hey that ones mine!" i said looking up with a pout

"i just need it to go out then i'll give it back" louis said with a smile.

"okay, i want chocolate, ice cream, starbucks, pain killers and cheetos" i said laying back down

"okay baby, i'll be back" louis said kissing my cheek lightly.
Louis' POV:
i quietly walked up stairs and slowly opened her bedroom door. i walked in to see her peacefully sleeping with (show of choice) playing in the background. i didn't want to wake her so i set down the snacks and her (drink of choice) on the nightstand next to her bed.

she looked so beautiful even while in pain. i hated when she was in pain or upset, so seeing her at ease whilst sleeping really calmed my mind. i climbed in bed next to her and cuddled her softly knowing she was in pain.

Your POV:
i woke up with that familiar embrace around my waist. but my cramps quickly came back, louis wasn't sleeping he was just playing with my hair. it felt so nice and i didn't want to move but my cramps were horrible again.

"louis?" i asked slightly turning around. i only called him by his full name when i was serious.

"yeah y/n/n?" he asked looking at me

"can you please get me the pain killers?"

"of course baby" louis said quickly getting up and grabbing them.

"you have to sit up to take the pills" he said holding the pills and my starbuck drink

"i don't want to, it hurts" i said dragging out the 's'

"i know darling but these will help" he said frowning at me

"okay fine" i said sitting up slowly and taking the pills and drink. i swallowed the pills and layed back down.

he climbed back in bed wrapping his arms around me softly.

"no lou" i said pushing his hands off me

he understood and just layed there beside me.

"babyyy why aren't you cuddling me?" i said not even two minutes later

"sorry love" louis said wrapping his arms around me again slightly giggling at my mood swings.
an hour later my cramps have calmed down and we were still cuddling but i was getting bored. so i tried to stand up but louis pulled me back and buried his face in my neck.

"don't leave" he mumbled

"lou i'm fine for now, i wanna take advantaged the time i have where i'm actually comfortable with moving"

"fine, but we will resume later" he said taking his face from my neck and kissing my cheek.

we both stood up and decided to go get something to eat. we walked down the stairs with our hands intertwined. my mom had left for work early this morning so we were here alone.

"what do you want my love?" louis said letting go of my hand walking to the fridge.

"maybe... noodles?" i said sitting at the island

"that sounds amazing" he said whilst grabbing the noodles from the cabinet and getting a pan.

louis knows where everything is in my house. he always comes over here and we've been dating a little over a year now.

"do you have any up coming interviews?" i asked grabbing my phone off the island

"uh yeah actually i have one this weekend" i said stirring the noodles softly.

"i cant wait to watch, you always get so nervous. it's adorable"

"it's embarrassing, i should be used to it by now but usually over zoom it glitches and i get misunderstood and then it's awkward" he said looking at me

"i completely understand, but i'm usually always in the room"

"yeah i just wish you could be there next to me"

"maybe someday lou" i said waking up to him and kissing his cheek

he turned around and grabbed my waist pulling me closer while his other hand caressed my cheek and he moved his thumb back and forth for a minute before leaning in and kissing me.

i kissed back. his lips were so soft and our lips fit like a puzzle moving in sync. we ended up making out until we needed air.

"i would kiss you forever if we didn't need air" he said smirking

that damn smirk will be the death of me. i didn't respond and just kissed him again but this time only a slight peck and we both let go.

~he is the man of my dreams~


i hope you enjoyed!! please leave feed back and or requests!!💕💕

sorry for taking so long to update, i just need y'all to leave requests and i'll be updating a lot more.

love you🤍

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