Scrooge's New C.F.O

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Emilie Duckman was sitting in the hallway outside of Scrooge McDuck's office at the Money Bin.She didn't really expect to be called back after sending in her resume to be his new C.F.O.After all,she may have worked at a ton of places, but she was still relatively young.
"Miss Duckman?"said a voice interrupting Emilie's thoughts.
"Yes?"said Emilie looking towards the direction of the voice.
"Mr.McDuck will see you now."said the person who it belonged to.Which was a tall woman with gray hair tied in a bun, and and wearing various degrees of purple.In contrast to Emilie who's brown hair was in a ponytail, and was wearing dark blue.
"Ah,Emilie."said Scrooge when Emilie walked in.He seemed nicer than she thought he would be.
"Hi Mr.McDuck."Emilie said when she sat in the chair in front of his desk.
"I was just done talking with your previous employers.Entered the workforce at age 15 by working at the Big Lemon.Held 10 different jobs  during your college days.Former account at Waddle.I'm impressed.But I do have some questions."
"Such as?"
"Why exactly did you leave Waddle?"
"You seem less crooked, and more honest."
"Oh.Thank you.But I'm mostly curious on why you worked 10 jobs during your college days, and how exactly did you manage that?"
"Oh.That."responded Emilie. "Well,my sister Kelly-than brother,-told me she felt like a woman, and wanted to become one.And the things necessary for that are not cheap."
"Well,couldn't your parents pay for all that?"Scrooge asked.
"They died when I was 17."explained Emilie. "I had to keep care of my 10 younger siblings myself.
"But-how did you manage to work 10 jobs at once?"
"I survived on a diet of chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream, and espresso."
"That's unhealthy!"exclaimed Scrooge.
"That's what the doctors said whenever I was admitted into the hospital.But I did what I had to do so Kelly can become the woman she is now."
"Uh, I don't think she's a threat Beakley."said Scrooge to the woman beside him,who was the same woman who let Emilie into Scrooge's office.
"Unless it's to herself."Beakley said.
"True.Emilie,your hired."Scrooge said extending his hand to Emilie.
"Really?Thank you Mr.McDuck,I won't let you down."said Emilie taking his hand.
"I'm sure you won't lass."
"But,I have a question."
"Yes?"asked Scrooge.
"Why were you concerned about me being a threat?"asked Emilie.
"Oh.We're dealing with some-unsavory-people targeting us right now."said Beakley. "We can't be too careful."
"Oh.Okay.Alright than."said Emilie turning to leave.But when she was in the hallway Emilie couldn't help but think there was more to the story than Beakley was telling her.

The Chronicles of Emilie Duckman-Part 1Where stories live. Discover now