If you read this..

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[hey, it's Xycodie here.. I hacked into johns account... And I'm crying because I found this In his drafts...]
If you read this..
Hello guys.
If you read this it either means..: I ran away from home, I'm dead, or maybe I'm inactive. I don't know. It's 11pm 2/1/15.
And I just got a pm saying:
Why don't you just kill yourself already?
I'm not really sure.. But I managed to piece this together:
I'm broken. Entirely broken.
What is there left for me? I only have a couple true friends.. The rest... Think I'm an ungrateful bitch or a jerk, or a no good attention seeker.
I'm sick of this life.. So, just go ahead. Leave me now.
Because I may never come back. Who needs me?
And if I do die, there's one perk I can't wait for,

I'd meet my mother. My mother who died of cancer when I was 7.
I don't know.
I think Im going to just leave Wattpad for some time..
Till I see you again.

Just know I'm Landing.. On my feet.. Whatever happens.
I've got some shoutouts:
thegeekclub , and Cynthia_Coulson , thanks for being patient and supportive
Thanks to Lindy--Watson here's a chocolate house -hands you a frozen chocolate house-
joes9987 BatManTheBlackKnight , thanks for being awesome.
Daylan_Wayne your the one whose awesome..
Selina-Kyle , Silena_wonder , you've guys been really nice.
Bree_Davenport your still one of the nicest people I know.
Amber-Elemental I'm not sure if this is going to be the last time I see you. So.. I just want to tell you to never change.

Last but not least, if your somewhere.. @gwenxstacy
Remember all the stuff I told you that Sunday I wanted to delete?
Remember that again.. Keep hope alive too. Remember me with the good and the bad.. Your still the best rper GWEN Stacy I've ever met. Remember the Korean meatballs? Or any of that.. Just, I know I'm never going to forget you. But I'm letting you go..

I might come back. I might delete. I might never come back.
I don't know. But just know. I'm okay.

John Parker mb/sWhere stories live. Discover now